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"Coz baby you look happier, you do.
I know one day you'll fall for someone new.
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do,
you know that I'll be waiting here for you."


"So," Terence started, sipping his iced tea. "Who was that curly cutie earlier?"

Louis stiffened and pursed his lips. He gulped his water down, sighing as the cold water soothed his throat. His head was still hurt, but not pounding painfully like earlier. The hot shower helped him, even if Louis' skin was red and burned.

"Nobody." Louis quipped, munching his fries. Nothing, but Harry's sobs and words echoed in his head. Terence hummed.

"It doesnt seem nobody to me." he said quietly, voice teasing. Loui glanced up at him, eyebrows furrowing.


"Well, Curly was about to tear me apart with his big hands earlier. Glad you said he needed to go." Terence let out a small laugh.

"I dont know what you're talking about." Louis sighed, his stomach churning.

"Hmm, sure. He looked so possessive when I asked you to lunch. And he even gave you a kiss Lou. He gave me smug look when he made you blush like a teenager." Terence squealed, as if he was telling Louis about his favorite romance novel. Louis blushed faintly, shaking his head.

"Dont be a daft." he mumbled. Terence hummed, patting Louis' hand.

"So, who is he?"

Louis sighed for the 98th time this day. "Nobody."

"How long since you broke up?" Terence blurted out, wincing when he realized he said it out loud. Louis stiffened, playing with his napkin. He jutted his lip out, eyes closing.

"About two months now. Almost." Louis breathed out. Terence nodded slowly.

"Not that long." he whispered. "Why was he there?"

Louis looked up sadly. "I dont want to talk about it babe."

Terence gave him a small reassuring smile, "Of course. Are you planning on going back with him?"

Louis was in middle of sipping his tea when Terence asked him that ridiculous question so he choked. He coughed loudly, spluttering the tea down to his chin. Terence let out a small squawk, patting Louis' back.

'I will make it right.'

"Shit, sorry Lou!" he smiled. "I didnt mean to ask that."

Louis looked up to the counter where Niall and Liam were laughing hard while looking at them. Louis scowled at them, smiling to Terence. The lad gave him a tissue, Louis used it to wipe his mouth.

"Y-Yeah, no." Louis said quietly, wincing when his throat sting. "I know Harry didnt want that..."

Terence bit his lip, "Harry? Is that his name then? Cute. Anyway, how are you sure? I mean, I saw the way he looked at you Lou. And the way he looked at me."

"Those are your imaginations only." Louis joked, his heart about to burst.

"I guess not." Terence denied. "I am sure. I know what I saw."

"You sound like a witness in a crime." Louis joked again, poking Terence' stubby chin.

Terence's lips quirked upward. "I witnessed the way he looked at you. He was jealous because someone was touching you. Someone that isnt him."

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now