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"Cause baby you look happier, you do.
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too,
But I could try to smile to hide the truth,
that I know I was happier with you."


Louis woke up with a start, feeling a hot breath fanning over his nape. He shivered, his face scrunching at the uncomfortable feeling.

"Hmphf..." he hummed, shifting away. The person behind him released a giggle. The arm around his waist tightened a bit, making Louis huff uncomfortably.

"Hey, Louis." he chirped, voice thick with sleep.

Louis opened one eye, his head turning back. Soft brown eyes staring back at him. Right. Terence.

"Hi, Terence."

He couldn't remember how he went here. But he remember the way Terence had kissed his neck, whispering thet they should go. He had bid Niall and Barbara goodbye. He also remembered how Harry looked at him with unreadable expression as he watched Louis kissed Terence infront of him for the second bloody time.

Louis thought it was impossible for Harry to be there. I mean, wasnt a coincidence? Was Harry following him? Did he want to show Louis that he was fucking happy with a bloody Greek God? There were so many bars around this stupid, small town. But Harry chose to go at the bar where Louis planned to go. Louis didnt like it a bit. He didnt want to see that curly bastard again or he will go nuts.

"Sleep well, honey?" Terence murmurred, thumbing Louis' bare hip. Louis nodded, smiling softly.

"Yeah. Yeah I did. Your bed is quite comfy, good sir."

Terence let out a laugh, "Thanks, I guess. Y-Yeah... I hope you had a great night with me?"

He said, but in came out as a question. Louis grinned softly.

"Of course." Louis whispered. "You're big."

Terence' cheeks and ears went red, his lip sneering into a shy smile. "Yeah?"

Louis hummed, kissing his lips softly. "Yeah. Filled me up so good. Do you remember how fast I came?"

Terence giggled against Louis' lips and pulled him closer by the waist. "I do. So good..."

Louis hummed, kissing him deeply. "M'still sore. Mmmm, feels good though."

Terence moaned softly, cupping Louis' bum. He licked Louis soft, chapped lips but for entrance, but they both jumped when Marimba ring tone blared in the room. Terenced released a soft, embarassing squeak that Louis thought was adorable.

"Is that yours?" Terence asked, kissing Louis' throat. "I know that's not mine coz I changed my ringtone."

Louis grinned, nodding. "I think that's mine yeah."

He turned around carefully, shuddering in cold when Terence' arm left his waist. He stood up slowly, aware that he was only on his boxers. He reached for his jeans, tapping it to feel his vibrating phone. He chucked it out from his back pocket, cursing when he saw Liam's name flashed on the scream. He pressed the accept button, wincing.


"YOU CURSED LITTLE DWARF. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? YOUR SHIFT STARTED 1 HOUR AGO!" Liam cried frantically. Louis groaned, wincing at the loud sound.


"Shut the fuck up, Payne. I'm going, I'm going now. No need to bloody shout." Louis sighed, getting up. He heard Terence giggle softly. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now