Verse 1.2

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"Saw you walk inside the bar,
He said something to make you laugh.
I saw the both of your smiles were twice as wide as ours,
You look happier. You do."


Louis yawned as the closing credits of the movie rolled down on the screen of his laptop. He stretched like a cat, yawning again before sighing out a puff of breath. He rubbed his eyes to remove the sleep because in just two hours Niall will pick him up for their 'night out'.

It was already 8 PM so Louis might as well shower and get prepared. He opened his closet, scanning the clothes he had, narrowing his eyes when he saw a black turtle neck jumper. He nodded once to himself, snatching it before ripping his tight jeans from the hanger. He laid it on his bed before going in the shower.

Louis was the kind of guy who always go out with friends. He liked parties, he liked drinks, he liked dancing and he loved the beat of the music inside a club. He never stayed at home when he's got an off day. For him it was boring.

But he changed him. He made Louis realize, spending time alone can relax you. Can take off your minds from everything. Or it gives you a chance to think. Louis never spent his day off by watching rom coms, by doing groceries or just doing his laundries. He never. He was a lazy person. He never did those before. But like he said, he changed him. He did so much things to Louis. Fuck. Stop it.

But here he was, spending his free day alone, watching Love, Simon. Not exactly alone but, that's how he felt right now. Thank God he has Niall.

After he showered, he dried his body with his 'HIS' towel that he got like, almost eight years ago. His towel lost it fluff but it was still comfortable for him. The cloth dries his body so well so he has no choice but to keep it. He has the same towel but it was pink. He wondered if he still has his 'HER' towel...

He faced the mirror with a scowl, he spent the 30 minutes of his life inside the bathroom, so that was why he was scowling like a bitch. He slipped in his boxer briefs, humming the Love, Simon's theme song. He quickly snatches his jeans, wearing the carefully. He still have squeezes into his jeans. But he said he was perfect to him. Louis sighed.

'Fuck you Tommo. I don't want to live in Earth anymore.'

He wore his jumper slowly, shuddering when the soft, silky cloth glided against his sensitive skin. He looked at the mirror.

"Jesus, my hair's look like a half sucked lemon." he muttered. He stood on his tippy toes to reach for his hair spray and brush. He shouldn't have attached the stupid shelf too high. He though he could help him reach for his things. Just to be cute. But now he was gone.

"Oh fuck me. Just fuck me." he snapped on nobody. He styled his hair into an amazing quiff his sister taught him. He whistled, winking at himself. He looked crazy.

He put away his shits, shutting his laptop and placing it back to its place. Which was under his clothes. Whatever.

He snatched his keys, wallet and phone, strolling down the stairs with a frown. He just realized he was too lazy to go out. Maybe he should just make an excuse. Niall wont be here---


"Oh for fuck's sake." he sighed, pouting as he answer his door. Niall was there, wearing a white shirt, "CRAZY MOFOS" was written on it. He was wearing a jeans short and a red snap back. He looked like a bloody frat boy.

Niall whistled, impressed as he scan Louis' outfit. "Hey handsome."

"You sounded like a perverted old man." Louis said bluntly, going outside. He switched off his light and locked the door. Niall made a disturbed face.

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now