Verse 2

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"Sat on the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier
Aren't you?"


Louis went home with a sigh. So many bullshits happened today. Liam had to go home because his mum said Liam's sister was i labor. He had to work alone. His customers were impatient and all of them are going to hell. Louis already cursed them. Fine, he was evil, but he had so many enemies. And he was alone earlier. Not that he was blaming Liam.

And the worst one is Zayn. Louis just found out he was cheating on Harry. Harry fucking Styles.

The boy who helped to change the old Louis. The boy who delivered roses to their neighbor's cat funeral. The boy who sing Taylor Swift in shower. The boy who bake cakes on a normal day. The boy who drank his strawberry shampoo because he wanted to know if it tasted like strawberries. The boy who threw his fedora hat on the pool to see if it could float. The boy who danced Elvis Presley just to make Louis laugh. The boy who accepted Louis even if he was a bloody mess. Harry didnt deserve this.

Louis entered his room, plopping on the floor. He brought the huge bottle of beer he found in his fridge. He popped it open, chugging it like a thirsty man. He choked, coughing as the burn of the alcohol stung his throat. He took a deep breath, ending up sobbing like a baby. He drank more, ignoring the way his tears mixed with the beer. He gripped the bottle, sobbing into the rim of it.

"You have to let him go Louis."

"He's happy now, Lou."

Liam's words echoed through his head, he couldnt get it off. He really, really wanted to listen to him, because Liam was always right, but he couldnt handle the image of Harry crying because a guy replaced him because he wasnt enough. Because Harry was not beautiful enough. Not sexy enough. Fuck him. Harry is perfect.

Louis whined, sobbing harder. He gripped the bottle harshly, chugging it down once again. He coughed, tilting his neck up. He looked up to the ceiling, smiling as he scan the glow in the dark stars he pasted years ago. He drank the beer again, blinking back the tears.

Harry requested them when they got this flat. He said he couldnt sleep without them because he felt lonely in the darkness. So Louis bought tons of them. They also have them in the photography room and in the living room. Louis was happy when he saw Harry's big smile when he saw the stars.

Louis grumbled when he realized he had emptied the beer bottle that fast. He burped, giggling when he smelled his stinky breath. He looked at the left side of the bed, blinking when he saw Harry's figure sitting there.

"Lou, do you want children?" Harry wondered, his voice echoing. He tilted his head, his curls falling from his shoulders. He faced Louis with an excited smile.

Louis blinked, nodding lazily. Harry beamed, cheering. He felt dizzy, and he felt high. His cheeks burning up, he was pretty sure they were red too. He tried to convince himself that this image of Harry wasnt true. That it was just an illusion. But he couldnt hold back the tears, remembering the conversation they had about having babies. They were so happy.

Then he heard Harry giggle.

"You look cute there."

Louis giggled back, throwing the bottle on the wall. Once the glass collided on the wall, the Harry like figure disappeared. Like a fog of imagination. Wait what? That des make any sense? He watched as the glass break, like he watched as Harry will break in front of Zayn when he found out that his boyfriend was cheating.

Happier //Larry Stylinson//Where stories live. Discover now