Chapter Eighteen

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—3 Weeks Later
"Brooks, babe, wake up," I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder, and a soft kiss on my cheek.

My sleepy eyes opened, and everything seemed foggy for a moment. But then I saw his piercing blue eyes and recognized his kind voice.

I groaned lightly. "What time is it?"

I looked around, and remembered that I was in Drake's car. The car was parked in front of my house. It was dark outside, and crickets could be heard.

"It's almost 2 in the morning," Drake replied. "You fell asleep on the drive back."

"Oh, geez," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

Drake has taken me out on a date that night. He drove to this small mountain range, about a hour and a half away. It was completely in nature under the breathtaking stars. He set up this lovely picnic, and we spent the night laughing, kissing, and star gazing. We had laid next to each other for hours, talking about serious and pointless topics and everything in between. It was nice, because Drake got me like no one else. He understood my thought process, how I viewed the world. It had been amazing and wonderful and my heart never felt fuller.

In fact, my whole relationship with Drake those past few weeks had left me feeling like that. I feel content and happy and unafraid. He treated me so well, and we still managed to hang out like best friends. It was the best of both worlds. We teased each other, then we made out. We studied for tests together, then went on dates. I loved having my best friend and boyfriend in one. My messed up life suddenly seemed to make sense.

But the date underneath the stars was on Friday night, and I guess I was tired from the school week, so I fell asleep on the car ride back.

"You're so adorable when you're tired," he teased, gently rubbing my back as I sat up.

"I need to get inside if it's this late. But I'm too tired to stand up. Oh my God," I whined.

"I'll carry you," he offered.

I raised my eyebrow at him in my sleepy state. "Really?"

"Why not?"

"Because the only thing worse than me walking in at 2am is my boyfriend carrying me inside at 2am. My dad might overreact."

"Dakota, do you really give a fuck about what your dad thinks? Come on, you're tired, and I'm capable."

Exhaustion had overcome my limbs. I couldn't refuse, so I nodded, and gave him a grateful smile.

He got out of the car, and walked over to my side, opening the door. He picked my up, bridal style, with complete ease. I was impressed.

"Okay, Prince Charming," I chuckled.

"Just taking care of my princess," Drake smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I rested my head on his chest as he carried me to my front porch, listening to the steady pound of his heartbeat.

He reached out one hand, twisting the doorknob and pushed the door open with his back, trying to be as quiet as possible. He creeped up the staircase, as I smiled into his chest. He walked past my mother's bedroom, and then past the guest room that my father had been staying in. Finally, I was laying on my bed, out of his arms, and although I laid on top of my familiar bed set, I felt an absence of warmth— his warmth.

"Drake, stay," I whispered.

"What?" He asked me.

"Just stay with me for tonight, please," I said, just as quiet.

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