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I stared at the door. Am I too harsh to him? But... Why does he ask like that? We are not close back then in school. We never talk or meet personally. I did hear they are very popular in high school. Every girl drools on them. Why he looks so sad? I went knocked at his bedroom door. I want to make sure he is okay.

"Mr. Kim. Are you okay? I'm sorry if I say something wrong." I said. I wait for his answer but I get nothing. I leaned my ear on the door. I feel more guilty when hears his sniff. I pulled the knob and push the door slowly. He was on his bed.

"Mr. Kim, I'm sorry-" When I about to go close to him, he covered his whole body with the blanket.

"Get out of here. Don't come to me." He said. I don't understand him at all. Why does he act like this?

"O-okay. Don't you have to practise today?" I asked.

"I don't have. Now get out." He said. I just obey him. I went back to the kitchen and makes some breakfast for him. Since he was at home, maybe he would hungry. While making the dishes, I hear the door open. He might be hungry. I feel his presence behind but I just ignored him. Well, he is the owner. He can do anything he wants.

After done cooking, I served it on the table that he was sitting at. I took a glance at him while pouring the water. He is not looking at me. Seriously, I don't understand him. What I hear from Eun Ji, he was a noisy boy in the group. Well, Eun Ji is a fan of BTS. I'm not really interested in them but enough for me to know them well. From high school, they are really popular. Even my teammate always talks about them. Basically, he just likes a reporter.

"Sit. I can't finish all of this." He suddenly said. To not make any scene, I just listen to him. I sit opposite him. We both eat without makes eye contact. He really mad.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly spoke makes me looked up but he didn't care to look at me. I wonder what he sorry for.

"It's fine. Actually, I'm the one who should say that. I don't know what I do wrong." I said to him. He put the spoon and fork down and sigh.

"You still the same Eun Bi that I ever know. Same like before." He said and leave me here to his room.




Same like before? When did I ever change? I will always be myself. Never at once, I think to change me. People love me like this. They always nice to me when I'm like this. What else that I want, when everyone like me.

I get up and wash the dirty plates then keep the leftover foods in the container and put in the fridge. When I was busy with work, I hear his footstep.

"Your payment for yesterday." He said to leave the envelope on the island. I looked up at him. He was completely dressed up. His gaze was on his phone. Before he would leave, I stop him.

"Wait. I want to ask for a leave tomorrow. My sister does overtimes tomorrow, so I have to company my mother for therapy." I explained to him. In case he will ask for the reasons. So I don't have to explain more. When I looked at him, he was stared at me. His expression totally changes to guilty.

"I- Okay. Just come back the next day. Don't come late. I'll be at home till 10:00 am before went to the studio. I want you to make me breakfast." He said and went out. I stood there looking at the closed door that he just walks away.

"Weird." I said then back to my work. Then I feel something wiggle at my leg. I looked down and saw the cute little Yeontan.

"Hey, baby. Do you want something?" I asked as he does talk to me. I pat his head and get his foods. I feel so tired of doing all of this. How come a housewive doing all this kind of job all their lives? Now I can feel how is their feeling when doing all of these. My mother is a strong woman to handle both sisters. It makes me feel guilty that I can help her to do all kind that she did to us. Only if my brother still alive, my father will never leave us.

My body aching so much. I went to the couch and rest for a bit. Soon, my eye feels so heavy. The last thing I hear is Yeontan's bark. Then everything went dark.

(KIM TAE HYUNG FF) WE ARE CLOSE YET SO FARWhere stories live. Discover now