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The groceries out of stock. Why didn't I realized last night? Ugh! I hate to go shopping for groceries. Where is she right now? She's late today. Guess, I have to go. I went to my car to go out for the groceries. When I stop at the entrance, I saw her come out of a car. The very rich car. Who is send her? The guy comes out from the driver side. He is a very good looking guy. Who is he? Her boyfriend? No! No way! She can't date anyone.

When the guy drives away, I give her honk. She looked at me. She smiles innocently to me. Don't she know I was mad?

"Good morning, Tae Hyung-ssi." She bows to me. How can she smile like that when I was really jealous right now?

"Get in." I said coldly. She looked at me confused.
"Out of groceries. Get in. We going shopping for groceries before I go to work." I added. She just nodded and went to the passenger seat.

On the way to the shop, she was really happy. Smiles for no reason. Humming a song that she loves. But for me, just silent at the side. It irritated me.

"Stop smiling like an idiot." I said madly. Not even care to see her. She immediately stops. I took a glance at her. She looked down playing with her finger.

"What did I do wrong this time?" She suddenly asks. Oh My God! I shouldn't say that.

"Who is the guy just now?" I ask without answer her question. That guy will ruin my plan to win her heart. I wait for this long and I can't lose her anymore. I need her on my side. I only love her.

"Hmm. He is Eun Ji's boss, Daniel." She answered. Eun Ji's boss? That means he is a rich guy.

"Why he send you here?" I asked again like a jealousy boyfriend which makes me curious about that Daniel guy.

"I walk Eun Ji to the cafe and he was there. When I want to go to your apartment, he wants to send me. I just don't want to get late. That's why I just accept his offer." She explained.

"Are sure? Not because of he's a rich guy? Rich than me? He can give you anything that you want? He has much time with you while me, no. I 24/7 busy at the company." I said without thinking after stops at the traffic light. She just silences there.

"Why are you... Mad? He is nothing to me. He just like a brother to me. Plus... We are nothing. Just employee and maid." She said. It hurt so much. She is right though. We are nothing. Why do I expect more?

"Right. We're nothing." I said before went out of the car. She comes to follow behind after a few seconds. After done shopping for groceries, I send her to my apartment and went to the shooting site.

All the time there, I just give them a fake smile and laugh. I can't bear to hold the sadness anymore. I excuse myself to the washroom and sat locked myself in the toilet. Then I hear someone knocked on the door.

"Tae, are you there?" I heard Jimin from outside. I went to wash my face and went out of there. Jimin looked at me worriedly. I walk past him to the waiting room. When I enter, everyone looked at me weird. I looked away and went get my stuff to go home as the shooting is finish.

"Hey, are you coming tonight?" Jimin asked excitedly. I answered without looking at him.

"I'm not going. I need some rest. Sorry." By that, I went drive home.

Since it already passes 8:00 pm, I didn't expect someone will be at my house. When reached my door, it was unlocked. Did she forget to look at my door? I sighed and entered the house. I go straight to my room without looking anywhere else. I went to take a bath then went to the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and about to sit when suddenly I saw she was sleeping on the couch. Is she was here all the times? I look at her and noticed her face wets. Did she cry too?

"Eun Bi? Wake up." I said while still standing in front of her. She moves a bit before sitting on the couch. She looked up at me. Her eye was red and a bit puffy.

"You're home." She said.

"Why you still here? Go home." I said and sat on the couch while turn on the tv. My eyes focus on the screen while she looked at me.

"Are you still mad?" She suddenly asked. Why she even care? She hurt me so much today.

"No. Like you say, we're nothing." I said. When hears her sigh, I looked at her. She looked at the floor. I don't know why but looking at her right now, I feel so guilty.

"I'm sorry. Don't mad at me. It's hurt me when you mad. I don't have anyone else that cares about me after my brother died. After his death, my parent divorced. I lose hope when my mother got an accident and paralyzed. After I work here, you are the first person that cares about me. Please... Don't mad at me. It really hurt, Tae Hyung." She said while crying. I didn't know she been this struggled.

"Shhh... Don't cry. I'm sorry. I don't mad at you. Stop crying." I went hug her to make her calm. Seeing her like this make me weak. After a while in my embrace, I hear a little snore from her. That's when I realized she is sleeping. How come she can sleep in peace while she is hurting so much? Did I too harsh to her? How can I deserve this kind of girl? Her heart is still pure since before till now.

I sighed relief and carry her to my room and lay her on my bed. I stare at her figure. Many thoughts come in my head.

(KIM TAE HYUNG FF) WE ARE CLOSE YET SO FARWhere stories live. Discover now