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ENTERING THE SCORCH WAS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR THEA. They ran out into the scorch trying to escape WICKED who decided to send a squad after them. It was a game of run or die, you could decide your fate in that specific moment. Thea chose to run, run for her life and in hopes of escaping forever. Every other minute Thomas encouraged them by shouting "keep going" as they climbed up a sandy hill.

The scorch was basically much sand and sand, but it was quite chilly out just because it was night time. The group has only spend a fewer minutes out there but Thea already hated it, even though she can't remember sand, she felt like it was something she always hated. As she looked back, she could make out the blinding lights of the WICKED facility and the shouts of the guards who searched for them. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw lights coming closer to them and as the shouts became more clear.

"Come on, go! Go! We'll lose them in the storm!" yelled Thomas. Sand and wind blew into their faces as they continued on their way while trying to escape. The blond girl from group b couldn't help but hold her arm in front of her eyes as sand kept flying into her face, mostly into her mouth. One thing she knew was that it was disgusting. Thomas' plan worked; as they crouched and layed down in the sand in hopes of not being seen. Thea's heartbeat quickened as her breath did too, she was nervous. This was their chance, they could actually make it.

"Everybody, go, go, go. Stay low. Stay low!" yet again, Thomas filled the position as the leader. Luckily, they weren't seen, even though they were quite close to the WICKED guards, the latter were oblivious. The gladers and glenners stayed low for an unknown time to make sure that the coast was clear, which it was. Then they started to walk again, or more like run. Thomas took the lead again, "Teresa, hang on. Stay together!" he advised them.

"I think we lost them!" shouted Minho over to thomas. "Watch out! Where are we even going?"

"Come on, Aris and Thea. Let's go. Come on!" for Thea it was more like Thomas dragged both of them with him, one thing she was very grateful for. The sound of the wind filled her ears as she couldn't pick up some of the conversations anymore. Teresa slid down the hole which was a window from a broken building covered in sand. The gladers shouted at her, told her to wait and don't go down there but she didn't listen. Thea just went for it and slid down too. "Here goes nothing." she thought.

"Thea!" shouted Aris as he tried to grab her hands to stop her from repeating Teresa's actions, but he couldn't stop her. Of course the gladers also noticed her action and shouted after her too, trying to stop her. They didn't succeed either. At this point they decided to also go down the hole. It took some time before all of them entered and stood upon their feet again. A dim light shone through the other windows of the building, making it possible for Thea to see the peoples outlines.

It was quiet for a short second as all of them organized themselves. "Now, who is she?" asked one of the boys. Thea could see that he had darker skin and black short hair which looked slightly curly. She could remember his name, Frypan. It was quite a weird name in her opinion, but who was she to judge? Beside Frypan stood Winston, who had tanned skin and dark black hair which was also short. He looked at her a bit sceptical but nodded in her direction, as if he accepted her.

Thomas picked up Frypan's question, "The girl over there is called Thea, she is a friend of Aris, we can trust her." he looked in her direction and let a slight smile come upon his face. "Right, this is Minho-" he looked in the direction of the asian boy who nodded at her. "- that's Winston and beside him is Frypan -" Thea already knew them at this point already. "- and that's Newt." she sent a small smile to the blond boy who helped her on several occasions.

"The girl beside me is Teresa." when Thea looked at Teresa, she saw how grateful the dark haired girl was for the company of another girl. Thea could never imagine living in a maze full of boys and being the only girl there. With a flashlight in Minho's hands, he turned around several times and held it on several places, lighting the place up, literally. Rubble and pieces of concrete were laying on the floor alongside different items.

It was a warehouse, or so it seemed. One thing was sure, it was very quiet in there, which was very different from the outside where it was loud and sandy. They still breathed heavily and tried to keep their breath calm.

"Where the hell are we?" it was a simple question to which Thomas seeked the answer. "We gotta go." he wasn't calm, none of them were. His heart beat quickly as he panicked.

"No. Thomas, stop!" ordered Teresa, she requested answers. The poor girl didn't know anything about what was happening mere minutes ago. "Tell me what's going on."

Yet again, Thomas' breath quickened as he repeated Thea's words from what seemed like hours ago, "It's WICKED." "It's WICKED. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me, Aris and Thea found bodies. Too many to count." during his explanation the expression upon Teresa's face changed quickly, she was shocked. Hers wasn't the only one to change, none of the other boys knew about it and seemed very creeped out too as they listened to Thomas.

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho was the first who dared to talk. "No, but they weren't alive either." responded Thomas with heavy breaths. "At least they didn't look alive, they just looked like they were drained..." stated Thea, her voice cracked at a fewer parts.

"They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. As Thea just said, they were being drained. There's something inside of us WICKED wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible." uttered Thomas, he wanted to explain everything to his friend, everything that he and the group b members saw.

During his explanation all the blond girl could think about was how her best friends may have been there too. How the bodies hung there, how they were being drained with tubes coming out of them. It made her shudder.

Moments of her time in the glen flashed through her mind, moments with her friends. They meant so much to her, Aris didn't understand that. Thea had been there since the beginning, she was one of the first glenners who arrived there.

Of course not everything in the glen was bright and shiny for her, there have been a fewer accidents like the one in the maze she never talked about, not even Aris knew about it. She didn't even want to think about it.

Newt's respond to Thomas snapped her out of her thoughts, "Okay. So what's the plan? You do have a plan, right?"

"Yeah... I don't know." replied Thomas, and in that moment, Thea just wanted to slap him. Like, really slap him. They followed him out into the scorch and trusted him with their lives and then he doesn't have a plan?

It seemed like Newt had the same thoughts as her as he complained to his best friend, "well, we followed you out here, Thomas and now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing."

"Wait. Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army." argued Aris, involving himself into the conversation." he said it's called 'the Right Arm' or at least that's what I could hear." agreed Thea as she remembered snippets of the conversation between Ava Paige and Janson.

"If they are really against wicked, maybe they can help us." it was a mere suggestions Thomas made, but it gave them a spark of hope. Maybe but just maybe they would have a chance. "People, in the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" a wave of sarcasm and disbelief hinted itseLf in Newt's voice as he spoke.

The brunette boy took a deep breath, "It's the only chance we have."


I tried to give Thea more lines to involve her into the story a bit more. What do you think about telling Thea's adventures in the maze a bit more, it would reveal a bit more about her character. This chapter has been a bit boring due to the fact that the boys had to be introduced to Thea, or it wouldn't really have made sense.

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