Chapter 1~ Coincedence at the Market...

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AN: Sorry for bad grammer and whatnot, I'm using my mom's iPad-like tablet, and it's not-so-good at it. :(

... So, enjoy, and grazie!!


I compare a dekopon to an orange in the produce area of the local supermarket. I'm an American teenager living in Japan for the summer, you could say I was looking for a new cultural experience. I've been in Japan for a month, staying alone in an apartment I'm renting. I have a friend who flies in this afternoon and she'll be staying with me. My name is Zera, and her name is Alyssa; but maybe I'll tell you more backstory later.

I put the two fruit down, deciding not to get any citris today. As I select a few apples from the next produce display, I hear whispering voices. After only a moments hesitstion, I decide to listen in.

Continuing to act normal, I make sure my movements don't make any noise. I realize the voices seem to belong to two males, and one is slightly deeper-toned than the other.

"Kaoru, if she's here she's just a commoner." the lower voice whispered harshly.

"But Haruhi is a commoner, and she goes to the Academy." a softer, yet more mature-sounding voice argued.

They must be talking about that private academy for the children of the rich and powerful. Ouran Academy was only a few miles from my apartment, and strangely enough, I'm a huge fan of a certain anime that supposedly takes place there. Funny, there are characters in the anime named Kaoru and Haruhi. I brush it off, deciding it's too much of a coincidence to be a dream-come-true.

"Haruhi is different from other commoners." the first voice replied.

"Hikaru, maybe she is too." I froze momentarily at yet another name familiar from the anime. I went back to pretending to scan the boxed cereals.

"She's really pretty, it can't hurt to introduce ourselves. We'll just ask her if she goes to the Academy."

While 'Kaoru' was speaking, I managed to pinpoint where exactly they were hiding. At the end of the aisle, behind a display of crackers. I feel eyes, sombody's gaze, on me; so I turn to look at their hiding place. Two heads duck behind cover, but not before I saw two nearly identical auburn hairstyles.

I giggle to myself at their failed attempt to remain undiscovered, but decide to play along. I go about my business, listening to them the whole time.

"Are you sure about this, Kaoru?" The lower voice asked hesitantly.

"Sure about what, guys?" A third, and very obnoxious voice, interrupts loudly.

"Tamaki-sempai, stay quiet! I don't want her to see us yet!"

"Kaoru here wants to chat with the young lady over there to see if she'll be going to the Academy." Hikaru seems to be taunting Kauro.

The three guys watching me blabbered on, and I pretended to be oblivious to them. This must be the biggest coincedence ever, because there's no way these guys are the ACTUAL host club from the anime. Is there?

I finally finished grocery shopping, and headed towards the checkout area, the whisperers following. As the cashier scanned each of my selected items, I realized there was no one in the vicinity except for me, the cashier, and the three males watching me. I turn toward the most recent display they had hid behind.

"You know, it's kind of rude to talk about someone like they can't hear you when they can. Even if you're complimenting them." I smirk at their sudden silence and shuffling feet. "Come out you three. I know the twins have been following me since I was at the apples. I could hear you the entire time.

A blonde-haired young man with purple eyes stood up into my view, and one of the guys with muted red hair. His eyes are a golden-yellow-green, and are filled with fake sadness and longing. (AN: Anyone have any idea on how to describe their eye color? Anyways, it's gorgeous! lmao)

"We don't have any siblings. There's just the two of us, Tamaki and I." He told me pitifully. His voice gave him away as Kaoru.

I grin mysteriously at him, starting to walk over. "Kaoru, you can't fool me. Hikaru, come on out." I peek at him sitting by Kaoru's feet.

Hikaru stood up next to his brother, looking at me in shock and suspiscion. "How do you know who we are?"

"I've mostly heard talking and rumors. You three and a few others are in a host club at the private Academy, right.?" (Pretending I don't know that no one can tell the twins apart... lmao)

Tamaki grinned, holding his hand out in a very dramatic gesture. "Why of course, my dear! I haven't seen you before. Do you go there as well?"

"It's highly doubtful, she seems to be no one of any importance. There's no information on her in the database, so she's just another commoner girl." A male voice stated coldly from behind me.

"You probably shouldn't be so quick to assume things and jump to your own conclusions," I turn to glare at him, speaking through my clenched jaw. "Kyoya."

His eyes scanned over me, calculating, before finding what he must have wanted to se. He smirked, as if he had proved to himself I was a worthless waste of everything.

Rolling my own eyes, which are turquiose blue, I turned to pay the cashier. I keep talking to the guys while I count out money. "Unfortunately, Kyoya was correct. I live in America; my friend and I are just spending the summer here." I sigh sadly. "Unless I got a scholarship like your friend Haruhi, I wouldn't be able to afford it. Even if I did get into the Academy, I doubt my parents would want their 'precious' daughter to attend school halfway around the world." I said that last sentence rather sarcastically, though with a hint of sadness that thankfully goes unnoticed by the hosts.

I gathered my bags of paid-for groceries, looking at the guys as I walk backwards towards the exit. "Anyways, it was nice meetig you guys." I flash a genuine smile. "Maybe we'll see each other again." I glance at their faces, sending a wink to the Hitachiin brothers before turning to walk away properly.

"Wait!" The twins called simultaneously. I stop, looking over my shoulder at them.

"You never told us..." Kauro started.

"What your name is!" Hikaru finshed saying.

I give them a small, sweet smile. "My name is Zeralina Lizbeth Elbrian. But please, call me Zera!" With that, I leave for my apartment 'home.'


Tell meh what you think, please!!!!! :3

I apologize for any sloppyness or errors, I tried to edit them out... twice... or thrice...

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