Part 2: The First Glimpse

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Leafy's POV

I was on my daily walk near the glider wreck, grey and metal, when I saw a orange light... I followed my instinct to hide in a nearby bush and spy on him... and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Firey! But why was he out here?  I ran away soon after, but I think he may have saw me... Was he trying to hunt me? Only time can tell... I know how I feel about him... I love him... but when I see his "friend" Gelatin.... I WILL GET JUSTICE!!!!

Firey's POV

I began my search where I knew I last saw her last.... The wreck of the glider crash... I wanted to start calling her name, but I heard a rustling sound in a nearby bush... so I went to investigate... and saw a grey object running away... Leafy... she can become metal?!? I thought only Bubble and I could! But I know what to follow now... I wonder if she forgave me.... I was such a jerk then...  I love her so much... Does she love me?

Sanctuary, A Firey x Leafy storyWhere stories live. Discover now