Part 16: The Final Puzzle

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Leafy's P.O.V

As I came to the final area, I saw the thing I feared I would see... Firey strung up in a rope wire maze, unconscious and with no easy escape.... It's my final puzzle... To save him... A TV turned on and gives me my final mission

???: This is your final test Leafy... a test of dedication, sacrifice and knowledge... To help Firey through the maze you must answer the questions behind each door by putting any amount of blood into the beaker with the correct answer, it will open the door to the next part, you have at least 3 minutes before you're burned alive... LIVE OR DIE, MAKE YOUR CHOICE

Firey's P.O.V

As the timer started, I was greeted to a grisly sight, Leafy cutting her arms to fill certain beakers with her blood, hurrying us along as it started to tick down, and as soon as I escaped, it locked her inside as her timer hit 0.... She started to burn inside, screaming...  I ran to get help... What if i'm too late?

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