Part 17: Recruitment

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(Since Leafy is trapped for now, we won't get her P.O.V until a bit later)

Firey's P.O.V

I ran as far as I could before I had to walk, who would do this to us?!? I get someone would want revenge, but this has gone too far!!!! I mean, it's all in the past, I've forgiven her... but who can't let it go? I finally bumped into the others and explained what was going on, and their expressions turned from happy to mortified faster than a bullet, so I gathered them to get back to the building as fast as we can, and the rest nodded... We need to hurry

Bubble's P.O.V

I was talking with Ice Cube and the others, having a grand time, when we saw Firey run in from the wooded area, I waved and said Hello, but once we heard what just happened, we were all mortified, and we ran with Firey to help her, if someone wanted revenge, they should've just pranked her, but this was way too much, lets hope she's not ashes when we get there

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