Part 5: Sweet Release

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Leafy's POV

Gelatin has been sawing at the chain for a hour now... He's almost through... But I saw something in the distance.... My dragon?!?!? I can't understand... The cage is starting to slip.... But maybe, just maybe.... Death will set me free.... I never had long anyway, I was wallowing in my own insanity... But he landed and started fighting with Gelatin... But I can feel the cage dropping... Goodbye Firey.... if this is my end... I'll miss you...
(The cage gives way and plummets down)

Firey's POV

I rode on the dragon for hours.... All I could do was wait and see if she was OK, and when we got there she was hanging on in the cage, so I landed to talk to Gelatin... He said he was to kill the "Abomination" but I flat out refused to let him, so I grabbed the hacksaw and tossed it aside, but I was too late... The cage gave way and it started to plummet... I fell to my knees and started to cry... When I heard the cage hit the spikes, I got the dragon to bring her back to the Cake at Stake arena... Now we can all see the monster Gelatin has become.... Now I need to see if he killed her

Sanctuary, A Firey x Leafy storyWhere stories live. Discover now