Chapter Seven

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Giselle's POV:

 *2 Days later*

I felt bad. I felt awful for leaving him, again. I had to leave, I didn’t want to stay with him. He would find out my past. Then if he finds out that I have lot’s of money he might want to marry me just because of my money. That’s not the worst part of me leaving. I left him and I’m pregnant with his child. Maybe it’s best if I did leave. That way he can live a normal life, a Normal life with no baby crying in the middle of night. A life where he can enjoy and go out with friends without someone stopping him.

I was in Germany, I went straight to the airport when I left Mario’s hotel room. I just wanted to go back home. Home, I laugh at that word. I have no home. It’s time for me to stop being irresponsible.

First thing is first, I need to find my uncle. Quickly, because I’m at the moment homeless. The last time I heard of my uncle, people said that he was the new coach for the Borussia Dortmund 09. I have to go to the building, It’s worth a shot.

I was staying in a crappy motel at the moment, it was close to the building where I presumed my uncle worked in. I could do this the easy way or the hard way. I could go to the building and ask for a meet and greet with the players and coach and pay them a bunch of fucking money, which is the easy way. Hard way, well I don’t think there isn’t a hard way. I’ll just have to go with my first option.

*Later that day*

I was in front of the BVB building. I’m trying to fit in with the rest of the Fans so I can get in to at least get a meet and greet.

"So where are the players and the coach?", I asked a fan.

"There in the training ground. Today we get to meet them.", he said.

"Meet as in how?", I asked.

"We stand by the fence and watch them train. After they are done training security comes and they let us meet the players. They sign autographs and occasionally take pictures with us.", He said and smiled while saying it all.

"Oh. Can’t you get like a private tour of the stadium and with the players?", I asked.

"You can but it will cost a fortune. Even if you pay you will have to wait months so they can check your criminal record, all of those things.", He said and shrugged.

"Okay, Thank you for answering my questions.", I said and gave him a smile.

Think Giselle what on earth are you going to do so you can get meet Jurgen. I guess I have to do this Hard way. My plan is to do the whole meet and greet as a fan with the rest of the people. If I get lucky I will see Jurgen, and pray he recognizes me. If I don’t get to meet Jurgen but I see him in the distance I will have to commit a crime. It’s worth a shot, a huge shot. I was in soccer when I was in high school, I was a mid fielder so I should have some speed still in me.

The crown started moving, the gates opened to go to the training ground. I followed them as if I knew what I was doing. It’s actually a good thing that I wore a random yellow jacket. It’s the teams colors.

I was now watching the players. They where running and passing the ball. I saw a man giving instructions. JURGEN! It’s him, my uncle. Wow, he hasn’t changed one damn bit. He still the same old fun guy. He still smiles for everything and laughs for everything. This is why I love my uncle. He barley frowns, always a loving personality. If people where to hate him I don’t know why they would, they have obviously not met him.

I waited for two hours in the cold. Waiting to at least get to see my uncle up close in person. I didn’t even get to see the players good enough because they where to far away, why would I even want to see them? It’s not them I’m interested in it’s Jurgen.

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