Chapter Nineteen (Finale)

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A/N: This is the end and there is a sequel it is way more well written than this one. 

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“Mario.”, I said while shaking Mario. “Wake up.”

 Mario shifted his body, and rubbed his eyes.

 “Whats wrong?”, He asked.

 “Please don’t panic.”, I said while mentally crossing my fingers. “But my water broke.”

 Mario’s eyes went wide.

 “Why didn’t you tell me!”, Mario said while getting out of bed, and putting on some jeans that where on the floor.

 “I did, right now.”, I said and carefully got out of bed, well attempting. Having a nine month belly isn’t the easiest body figure to deal with. “Just calm down, now please listen to me.”, I said while breathing in slowly. “Get my bag that has my clothes, its in the same place where you left it.”

 I tried to breathe, because in the inside I was freaking out. I wanted to panic but someone had to stay calm in this situation. Marco rushed to get the bag, it wasn’t even a minute before he was back with the bag and keys in hand.

 “I got everything, now come on lets go to the car.”, Mario said while walking towards the front door. Little did he know he didn’t have any shoes.

 “Mario put on some shoes you moron!”, I yelled out.

 Mario rushed back inside, setting the things down in the bed.

 “Right…right..”, Mario said while grabbing his nikes and putting them on.

 “Now, come on.”, I said while getting up slowly, I had my shoes that slipped on.

 Mario grabbed my hand and slowly led me to the front door, when we finally reached the car. I had to wait for him to open it and turn the engine on. He put his speed into use and quickly turned everything on. He helped me up the car and closed my door. Then he began backing up from the drive way, I tried to put my seat belt but I failed. My stomach was to big. I gave it one last tug until I finally put my seat belt on.

 I felt contractions, It hurt like never before. All I could do is squeeze the handle door and squeeze my eyes shut.

 “Are you Okay?”, Mario asked taking a quick glance at me then back to the road.

 “Yeah, just the contractions.”, I said. “But do me a favor of driving a bit faster.”

 “Sure.”, Mario said unsure.

 Minutes passed and I could feel these contractions coming closer and closer. We were half way there, but I feared that my baby was soon to be here.

 “Mario, I’m not even fucking joking. This hurts, so please tell me we are almost there.”

 “Almost there. Calm down, breathe babe. Breathe in and out.”, Mario said trying to calm me down.

 I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down. Finally five minutes of agony finally paid off. Mario parked close to the front of the hospital. He helped me out, I slowly walked there and Mario just helped me on my snail steps.

 When we got there they sat me down on a wheel chair.

 “Oh my god! These contractions are getting worse! Make it go away!”, I yelled, not giving a single fuck.

 “Miss please calm down. We are going to take you to your room that you asked for, then we will check how dilated you are.”, The lady said.

 When we get there they changed me into a robe, I couldn’t see Mario anywhere. My guess he was waiting outside until I was finished getting un-dressed and into a robe.

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