seeThe big announcement!! (Ch.1)

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All © copyrights 2014 reserved to me kvrx99 !

That's it enjoy .

"Kaesli, are you ready to head out"? My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah ma, just let me grab my jacket and I'll be down". I yelled back down to her. We're on our way to dinner, me , my mom and my dad. They say we're going so they can break some exciting news. But, I have a feeling it won't be too good.

Once I get downstairs, I hear my mom mumble something under her breath along the words of, "I thought you'd never come down". I just ignored her and headed out to the car.

"So is this 'news' that big that you have to take me to a resteraunt just to tell me?", I questioned.

"Yes and just be grateful that we feel as though we need to let you give your opinion about this big news, before we just take it without you knowing what's going on!" My mom exclaimed.

"Ok, but don't expect me to pretend that I'm happy about it if it isn't exciting just because you asked for my opinion." I notified her.

The rest of the ride was filled with music playing, other than that it was complete silence. I didn't even realize we were there until my mom gently shook me and told me to wake up.

We were sitting down waiting for our food when I decided that I needed to use the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom did my thing and came out only to bump into a tall muscular chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry",I said as I looked up from my phone to see the most gorgeous pair of grey eyes. Now usually I wouldn't be attracted to white boys , but it was something about him that caught my eye. I was so lost in those beautiful eyes that I didn't even notice that he had said something to me.

"Um....did you hear me?" He questioned.

I quickly snapped out of my daze and answered, "Um, no actually... What'd you say?"

"I said I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming my way. But, I should've." He added the last part lowly, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

I blushed and if I weren't a brown complexion, my cheeks would've been as red as a cherry.

"No, you're fine." I say getting ready to walk away.

"Okay, enjoy the rest of your night." He said, it seemed like he wanted to say something else, but he turned around and kept walking to the bathroom.

That was weird I thought to myself. I headed back to my table to see that our food we'd ordered earlier was there. I wasted no time to start eating.

"So now that we're here I guess you guys can break the big news to me." I volunteered.

"Alright well, your dad just opened up another one of his companies on the other side of town. So we've decided in order to make it a success ,we should also move to that side of town!" She happily explained.

"That's great, it's not like I have a lot of friends where we are now." I replied.

The only friends I had were at school and they're all either , on vacation or at football camp to train for this upcoming football season. I mostly kept to myself because I couldn't handle all the drama being friends with a lot of girls brung. But maybe I could try to make friends at this new place we're moving in.

"Great, I'm glad you're response didn't turn out bad. We'll be moving at the end of the week so make sure you have everything packed by then." My mom explained.

"Baby girl, I'm so glad that you aren't upset about this move, I couldn't ask for a better support system." He cooed at me and my mom.

We left the resteraunt and when I got home all I could think was, I hope this move will improve my social life for the better.


Should I continue??



Fmoig: k.nahsty

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