Packing ✌

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*An idea of what the pool looks like in mm.


"Ok, Kaesli you got everything"? My dad asks as we leave out the front door, for good.

Today was the day that we moved. I haven't talked to Cameron ever since the night of the incident. He didn't even as little as come back to my house to get my number.

I hadn't seen him come into my job either. I guess that was a sign that I don't need to talk to him.

"For the hundredth time dad, yes I have everything", I respond annoyed.

"I'm just asking because you know we're not coming back right?" He questioned.

I simply ignored him and got in the backseat of the car.

It took about thrity minutes for us to get there. We pulled up to a 2 car garage driveway . And when I tell you that this house was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, I mean it.

We got out and went inside of the house. The first thing I headed for was the back yard, in hope to find a pool. And that, I got.

It was sooo big I was already planning out parties in my head. That is if I ever made any friends. It had a pool house and a juice bar Omg that backyard was giving me soo much life.

I headed back inside. Wondering how my room would look if that was just the backyard and it was that amazing.

Once upstairs, I wonder through the large hallway. My mom was already putting up family pictures and what not. I asked her which room was mine ,and she told me whichever one I wanted. Except for the master bedroom.✋

I picked the one I wanted and immediately started thinking about how I would decorate it. I was so overwhelmed with this house. It was so much I wanted to do in it.

"Mom I'm going to go outside and start unloading some of my stuff". I said as I was about to walk out the door.

"No, wait your dad is going to order a pizza so we can just hang out in the theatre and watch movies. We'll start unpacking tomorrow". She explained.

I was a little disappointed cause I wanted to get started right away. But I just said, "Alright, I guess we could do that".

I followed my mom into the theatre room. It wasn't like the one at our old house, but it was good enough.

About 20 minutes later the doorbell rang. I told my mom I'd get it and walked to the door.

"Hi here's your delivery and your total will be $18.56". He said while smiling at me. I'm not gonna lie he was pretty cute, but he had nothing in Cameron.

Wait, he has nothing to do with this why am I thinking about him.

I told the pizza guy to hold on while I got the money from my dad.

When I came back, he was right where I left him. I handed him the money and he smiled at me.

"Umm, I know this is unprofessional, but you're really pretty and I'd like to take you out sometime". He said.

I examined him one more time, trying to see if I should give him a chance. He stood at about 6'2, carmel skin, light brown eyes and full pink lips.

"Well you're right...." I said indicating that I wanted his name.

"Dakota" he responded.

"Dakota, it is unprofessional but since you're cute I'm going to give you my number". I said

He smiled cheesily when I asked him for his phone.

I handed it back and told him to keep the change from the money I gave him.

This house was a start to a fresh beginning and I was liking it.


Hey guys!

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I'm aware that there will be mistakes.. I'll edit it later.

Fmoig: @k.nahsty

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