Crescent 14: Elder Sister, That's simply impossible!(1)

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Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

Alhamdulilaah, this Crescent is dedicated to Rabiat677, TaheraJoe, thewinner27, and ahmar_. Thanks for your continuous support.


"There's good in everything Allah plans. Sometimes, we just do not see it..."

(Hilya's Diary)


In an opened courtyard of the Al-Maghribi estate, where all types of delightful scenery were present; datepalm trees, a lake with exotic and flagrant flowers blossoming all over a naturally green grass carpet, a group of youthful Muslims were gathered within a finely decorated pavilion in the midst of all the beauty.

With arabesque designs all around in gold and silver, and multicoloured stones encrusted upon the large pavilion, it seemed as if stars were shining at daytime.

This was almost immediately after the 'Asr prayer that day, and a heated discussion and debate was going on; the boys and girls had made a wager; in a competition between the two sides, who had more capable resource personnel in anything?

Once the competition began, if the girls were to win, then the boys would sweep the entire East wing for three consecutive day and night period. If the boys were to win, the girls would do their laundry once every week for a three weeks time period.

They all had agreed to the conditions, but there was a tinny little problem.

Arkaan who had prayed the late afternoon prayer in town and had returned, was surprised at the lively event ongoing: All the Al-Maghribi youth of their generation were gathered within a pavilion, made in exquisite architecture.

The brothers and sisters were in a heated argument with one another most zealously. Ismaîl who took to preside over the occasion, quietened everyone down and announced a Musâbaqah! That was going to be their measure to test which group had the most capable people on their side!

A competition based on Qur'an, Ahadith, and Seerah! Both opposing parties of males and females agreed, choosing their representatives.

The ladies chose Maryam and Aasiyah. The brothers had only Zak. Surprisingly enough, Abdullah was the only one not present in the gathering, perhaps gone on his own adventures.

Had he been there, he would have been their second choice.

It wasn't that the other boys didn't know their Dîn, it was just that they weren't that confident on their own knowledge, and so were reluctant to participate, thus incurring mocking and pitiful remarks from some of the ladies, especially the humorous Fatima Az-Zahra.

Harûn smiled warily as he scratched the back of his head. "It's not that we can't compete, it's just that - "

"It's just that what?" Fatima Az-Zahra cut in, a smirk on her face.

It's just that I'm not ready to risk everything on my confidence in my Islamic knowledge.. I'd rather endure being mocked at, than sweep East wing for three consecutive day and night period!

"I think you should make it easier on yourselves by admitting you lost even before starting, maybe we might cut on the deal." Fatima spoke with a mock - sympathetic look on her face.

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