Crescent 32: Hâ Mîm|"Please recite, for dear life.."|

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"There's a verse for every situation in life..

A miracle may manifest in and of itself, or come as a lesson and way out,

But in either ways,

One's belief must not waver. "



A group of red-robed men gathered at the entrance to the sewers. Dressed with large black turbans which they used to conceal their facial features, not one of them but had a military physique.

"It seems Nine Flowers have beaten us to finding this entrance."A man amongst them, who was obviously their leader, said. He had the most imposing stature, towering in height and well-toned in muscle.

"They might already be several steps ahead in locating the kids.."

He turned to the rest, among whom were their captives, and signalled.

At this, the other men pushed the boys forward so they were staring into the darkness of the pit,


Irshâd and Jârullah looked at them as if they had just gone mental. The stench was really suffocating even from where they were at the top..

How could anyone have gone down there!

"There's no way we're going down in there"Jârullah sneered."Even if you were to bribe us with mountains full of gold and valleys of silver, we sure are not that stupid."He added as an afterthought.

"Heh.. Who said we would be bribing you. Young man, I think you've gotten your whole situation turned upside down.

We're mercenaries, people who work in the dark. You should know by now, your lives are in our hands and we'll treat you as seen fit."

Irshâd looked at Jârullah and saw the gleam in his eyes. The men didn't know it, but the boys had picked up certain subtleties along the way.

"We know you're not gonna do anything unwholesome to us.."Jârullah smirked,"After all, how would the King explain four missing youth and signs of attacks in the Hâ Mîm neighbourhood?"

At this, the man in lead eyes narrowed at them for a split second, returning to normal once he noticed his mistake. But that was all they needed to confirm their theory.

The Crimson Sentinels!!!

"How did you know?"The leader asked, actually impressed. He knew he couldn't hide it any longer.

This time it was Irshâd who talked.

"It was quite obvious, considering you dared to work so audaciously out in the open.. I'm quite disappointed."He chuckled. Of all the shadowed attacks and pursuit which they had just witnessed, this group were most daring in their every move, like they had a supreme authority to do whatever they wanted. No underground groups were that stupid!

"I always thought the Crimson sentinels were actually experts in stealth and attack..being the King's henchmen and all.. Didn't know you guys actually sucked at it - horribly.

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