Crescent 10: Silent Tears(2)

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The houses here were arranged in a linear pattern, and was quite organized, in conjoined blocks. It was also a quiet and tranquil environment that would evoke deep meditation in anyone who cared to do so.

This particular lady had finished her Isha prayers in a friend's home, and was now heading to her own in the East district, just across the river Kawthar, the first line of mansions.

As she passed through this tranquil neighbourhood, she paused as she stared at one particular mansion at the far end of the road, standing alone.

It was a two-storey building that was actually two separate apartments joined side-by-side together; and two different 'families' actually lived there.

Perhaps, a stranger to that community couldn't easily tell, but this woman could well do, since---this building was once her home, and she was the current landlady!

Lady Frieda looked at the modernized redbricked building where she and her family once lived. She had long since renovated it, and moved out. In order to overcome the nostalgia of the place which made her sentimental, she had to do so.
Now, the apartment was in two separate halves; in one, lived a foreign couple. They weren't always around, as they rented this place to be some form a vacation resort. Even though they were among the ahlûl kitâb, they weren't devoted, from what she knew about them, and were more worldly.

In the other half was Mother Ashyaa, an old lady she hired to take care of the house for her, to preserve the memories... and Ukashah.

She still could remember the homeless boy from about seven years ago. She had just lost her son, and soon after, came out of depression to take control of her life again.

Ukashah had a listless look upon his eyes as he held onto the reigns of his piebald black-white horse which equally looked exhausted to the point of death that time. Both boy and horse looked bedraggled and worn-out, as though they had travelled leagues.

However, even in that deplorable state, and even as he begged her to do some work and earn some wages, he was strangely dressed in a regal attire that seemed to have seen better days, and he had that refined look of a noble born on him.

She took pity on him at that time on account of her own missing son, and decided to keep him in the care of Mother Ashyaa.

The two got along well thereafter, especially after Mother Ashyaa learnt that the mother of Ukashah was also called Ashyaa.

Yet, Ukashah had revealed his true identity only to Lady Frieda, and that was only because of her kindness, and the solid trust he had come to hold for her.

The shocking truth had made Lady Frieda to undertake drastic measures to keep his identity hidden, moreover to keep Ukashah hidden...and safe.

She may not have changed his name, but she had erased his past and created for him a new identity...Ukashah of Tâ Hâ.

So, till now, only two knew of his actual identity. This was actually for Ukashah's own safety. By taking him under her wing, she had exposed herself to sheer danger, but the plight of losing her own son had strengthened her resolve. Maybe, Ar-Rahmân Ar-Rahîm would have mercy on her, and bring her own son back to her safely...

Even as Lady Frieda approached the building which had its lights brightly lit, indicating the presence of people who were still awake, she could hear it...

The serenity of the voice permeated the evening air. It gave such a tranquil effect on anyone who listened -- like your very soul had found a secret melody only it could understand.

The very nature of his recitation left everyone in awe, and took the hearts away, into a harmonious hymn of golden dreams and new lights of different worlds, to the point that no one could complain, even the neighbours who were quite protective of their peace and quiet – rather, they were used to it, and actually enjoyed the melody of the night, to relieve all the day's stress, and put all hearts at ease. The leaves of trees nearby rustled, assisting in the glorification. Ukashah was reciting...

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