Crescent 33: Hâ Mîm|World-shocking Voices open the Domains!(2)|

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In the world of Al Qalb-ul-Ard, there are reciters of the Qur'an who have reached such a level as would cause wondrous changes once they recite, and raise upheaval in the country.

There was no question to the apparent and inapparent rules of tajweed. For all the Quraa and Huffaaz, to whatever level, could all testify to those reciters having passed that realm.. to reach a whole new different realm, where only hearts could tell recitations apart!

They perfected recitation by profound contemplation and abiding by the laws of Qur'an reading.

They combined in a perfect blend; Tajweed(proficiency), Tahazzun(sorrow), Tarannum(melody), Tadabbur(contemplation) and their Ikhlas(sincerity) to reach the level of Tarteela(hymnody).

...Wa rattilil Qur'ana tarteelaa(...and recite the Qur'an in Tarteelaa.)
[Quran 73:4]

The beautiful recitation became like a key, opening up the treasures of the Qur'an, and immersing the people within a state of divine contemplations.

The people of Al Qalb-ul-Ard called it the Domain of Ar-Riqâq (heart softening).

Yet, only a few chosen ever reach there...


Present Day

"I remember that day.."Zak laughed, looking at Old man Khidr, a light shining in his eyes,"So it was true, when they said a Tâ Hâ merchant had sold his entire wealth, staking his bets on us.."

Khidr looked at him, annoyance slightly playing in his eyes,"That day, you and Ukashah won those rounds.. You secured victory for Tâ Hâ, and we were at the top of the list for the first of the three competition days."

"Aww..I would have never known it was the same beggarman across the street in the Chinese landmass.."Zak tried empathizing, the playful grin on his lips however, seemed not to want to go away.

"I think it's good for you though.. "Ukashah said in a low tone,"For a Muslim to engage in something like that.., at a halal event too??". He scoffed.

Arkaan watched Khidr's eyes lower.

Was that regret visible in his eyes.

Even if it was just for a slight second, Arkaan saw the shame written across old man Khidr's face.

He felt that Ukashah and Zak had gone too far.. They hadn't been lenient in trying to correct him.. Yet, it might not be bad after all.. Perhaps, it would be the best way to prevent him from going back to that act..

Though he's a poor man now..

Khidr sighed, knowing that he could not expect pity from these kids, to whom it had been ingrained, - to hate everything that went against the commands of Allah.

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