Crescent 29: Hâ Mîm|The shadow of his heart...(1)|

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"There's nothing that'll last forever.. Except His face.. So seek Him.

If you understand this, then you're (truly)free.."

-Hilya's Diary


PART TWO(Ramadan day 15)

The greatest gathering held annually in Qalb-ul-Ard was the Grand Qur'an Ramadan Competition, also known as the GQRC.

The tournament lasted for the whole month of Ramadan, with preliminaries occurring within the first ten days at the respective cities.

The following ten days were set for the second stage of the tournament which was celebrated in two parts.

The first part of which took place at Tâ Sîn for the southern cities, and Yâ Sîn for the northern cities. All of this occurred for a day, one on the eleventh, and the other, the thirteenth.

After this was the main part of the second stage, held at Hâ Mîm. At this competition, the southern and northern provinces, had their teams come together in a celebration of Al Qur'an.

With its conclusion, the numerous teams that participated yearly would have been brought down to only seven!

The tournament was arranged in such a way that, of the seven teams that stood at the finals in Madinatu Anwâr, each represented a Province!

Representing teams didn't necessarily originate from the main cities. Sometimes periphery villages and towns had stronger teams which would represent the entire Province.

But sometimes even, a whole provincial city was kicked out!

Thus, this gathering was second in the whole Country, only to the finals to be held at the Capital!


Five judges sat at the high tables, amidst various dignitary figures.

Dozens of teams, representing the various halaqât and madaaris of the Country sat under their respective banners and cities.

Many were those who came to watch among men and women, the old and the young, the peasant and the nobles, the scholars and the laymen, everyone was present at AnNahas of Hâ Mîm.

Countless spectators, overflowing within the Colosseum in a cacophony of voices!

This was the Great Gathering of Hâ Mîm!

The audience crowded in and about of the Colosseum. Even those who were outside were innumerable. The whole spectacle was like an agitated swarm on an anthill. People would definitely be found in the gathering from every nook and cranny of the land.

The moment the main speaker began his speech, silence reigned, for all wanted to hear what was to be said.

The foreign man with red hair was no stranger to them. Every land knew him as Âyatullah Al Hamdy. In people's hearts, he was Defender of the poor and Seeker after justice..A compassionate mujâhid.

Also, he was a Lover of Al Qur'an, and the one who hyped and named famous Quraa aforetime.

After giving the encomium and then sending salawât on the Rasul, alayhis-Salaam, he began,

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