Crescent 13: ...Arkaan who belongs to Allah(3)

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

By those [winds] scattering [dust] dispersing,

And those [clouds] carrying a load [of water]

And those [ships] sailing with ease

And those [angels] apportioning [each] matter,

Indeed, what you are promised is true.

And indeed, the recompense is to occur.

By the heaven full of paths...

Arkaan fell into deep contemplation, as if he could see everything being described in the Surah: People asking about the Day of recompense, the Muttaqûn in the midst of the gardens, springs and all enjoyments.

When he reached;

They used to sleep but little of the night,

And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness,...

Arkaan felt some ecstasy in his heart, and made a silent promise in his heart to continue the Night vigil Tahajjud prayers, perhaps add some istighfâr to it.

Even the next verses caused him to sink into more reflection:

And from their properties was the right of Sâ'il(the beggar who asks)
And the Mahrûm(the poor who does not ask others)...

He suddenly murmured to himself,"Now where would I put that wily old fox?" His chin raised, in thought of Old man Khidr who had dupped him, then continued...

Apparently, he didn't know the answer, since Old man Khidr was begging, and yet not begging; it seemed all too confusing!

Yet still, Arkaan knew his giving that money out for the sake of Allah was not in vain either.

The verses continued by talking about the signs of Allah, then it opened on accounts of people long past:

The visitation of the three angels to the Prophet Ibrahim, alayhis salaam with glad tidings; then the news of the destruction of the people of Annabi Lût alayhis salaam at the location of the dead sea in Palestine; Musâ and Harûn; destruction of the mighty 'Aad by a barren wind; destruction of Thamûd by the Sâ'iqah; the people of Prophet Nûh alayhis salaam...

All these people were destroyed for the mischief they wreaked upon the Earth, and on their own souls.

By the time Arkaan reached the verse Hilya quoted in her diary, his heart was wreaked by waves of shock upon shock. It was as of he could witness the destruction Allah visited upon the disobedient nations of the past.

Then, as if calling to those to whom their narrative would benefit if they would only but ponder, the verse thereafter called out;

So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner.

Allah was commanding the Holy Prophet to call the people to flee unto Him from Him, The Sovereign King of the Heavens and Earth, and the far reaches of the Universe...

From His torment unto His mercy - Al Islâm, the Dîn of Truth to which all the prophets of old called to: Peace, and submission to the Will of the Only Creator, and Lord of the Worlds!

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