Prompt #3

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                Prompt: Prompt where they're married with kids??


                "Hey, hand me that will you?" I said to Silas, easily maneuvering around each other as we made breakfast.        

                He tossed me a container of cinnamon before slipping his arm past me to snatch an egg from the carton. I stole a quick kiss before he could pull his arm back.

                "My eggs are gonna burn if you keep that up," he said.

                "We have more," I said, gesturing to the carton.

                "These ones are lookin' good, though," he said, hurrying back over to the frying pan. "How many you want, Gar?"

                "Surprise me," I said, mixing the batter in front of me. "Have you been snacking on the chocolate chips? I feel like we definitely had more last time I used them."

                "Wasn't me," he said in a tone that implied it was him and his partner in crime.

                "Kids," I said, shaking my head.

                As if summoned, we heard small footsteps on the stairs. A moment later, a sleepy figure entered the room, hair a mess and pajamas wrinkled.

                He yawned and stretched. "Morning. I'm hungry."

                "It's almost ready. Come help me figure out how many chocolate chips to put in it, Carter," I said, gesturing him over.

                He brightened. "Lots and lots of chocolate chips, dad!"

                He hurried over to help me dump the majority of the chocolate chip bag into the batter. I gave him the spoon and let him stir as I went over to check the griddle. Silas was still fighting to keep the eggs in his frying pan perfect, and I put my hand on his shoulder, peeking at his work.

                "Go make your part of the breakfast," he said, leaning his body against mine a little. "Mine is almost done. Don't want it to get cold."

                "Carter! We all stirred?" I asked.

                "Yea, dad! All stirred," he said, handing the bowl to me. "Can I have a really big pancake?"

                I ruffled his hair, messing it up even more. "You can have the biggest pancake since you helped me."

                He threw his fist in the air triumphantly. "Yes! Hear that? I get the biggest pancake."

                Silas looked over his shoulder at Carter. "Punk kid, stealing my pancake. I always get the biggest one."

                "Nu-uh," Carter said, shaking his head. "I helped him make them, dad. I get the biggest one this time."

                "You gonna be able to eat it? Might be bigger than your face," Silas said.

                But Carter just grinned. "I can eat it."

                "Better save room for the eggs I'm makin'. They're looking real good," Silas said, turning back to the eggs.

                Carter bounded over to watch Silas cook as I poured the batter onto the griddle. Silas put an arm around Carter's shoulders, letting Carter curl against his side as he watched.

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