Prompt #12

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                Prompt: Where Silas first meets Kaito


                "Do you get it now?" Jill asked.

                Silas didn't want to admit that he still didn't get it, but he also didn't want to fail another test and make Ray mad. So he just turned his head, glaring at the library window in frustration.

                "You can just say you don't get it, Silas. I'm here to help you understand," Jill said, flipping through her notebook. "Maybe I'm just explaining it poorly. Let me think for a minute."

                Her phone buzzed though and she checked the message. She stood up and Silas wondered if she was just going to give up on him. He wouldn't blame her. He wasn't all that bright.

                "Come on," she said. "I'll ask the librarian to keep an eye on our stuff. My friend said there are leftover donuts from the club he runs. We can have a snack break."

                "Ain't gonna say no to free food," Silas said, getting up. He also wasn't going to say no to a break from this stupid schoolwork.

                Jill talked to the librarian quick before leading Silas out of the library and downstairs. They went down the science wing of the school and she opened one of the doors.

                "Hey Kai," she greeted. "I was tutoring, and I brought him with me for a snack break."

                The boy sitting at the teacher's desk just nodded. "That's fine. Donuts and cider are right there. Help yourselves."

                "This is Silas, by the way," Jill said. "He's your brother's age. I already asked him though, and he doesn't know Akira."

                "I'm Kaito Riku," he introduced.

                Silas just shoved his hands and his pockets and looked away. "You just heard my name."

                "Tell me again," Kaito said.

                "What, you got a damn hearing problem?" Silas said.

                "No, but it's your name, not Jill's. So you tell me," Kaito said. He was sitting up in his seat now.

                "Kai," Jill said with a sigh.

                Kaito held a hand up to her. "Let him say his own name, Jill."

                Silas glared at him. "My fuckin' name is Silas."

                "You don't seem proud of that," Kaito said.

                Silas glared harder. "Ain't a bad name."

                "Then say it confidently," Kaito said. He stood up, no uncertainty on his face. "Try again. I'm Kaito Riku."

                Silas straightened up, mustering the confidence he could despite the stories that came with his name in this school. "And mine's Silas Kelley. Unless you need me to say again to get it through your thick skull."

                Kaito sat on the edge of the desk. "That's better. If you don't sound confident when you introduce yourself, people won't take you as seriously."

                "What, this some kinda lesson? Thought I was getting' a break," Silas grumbled.

                "To be honest, I have heard your name before. And the way you introduced yourself said you knew I'd probably heard it before, and the context I'd heard it in," Kaito said.

                "Kaito, Silas isn't like that," Jill said, and Silas was surprised at how strong her voice sounded when she said that. "I've been working with him for weeks and he's been nothing but nice to me."

                "If he isn't like the stories attached to his name, then he shouldn't be ashamed when he says it," Kaito said.

                Silas fell silent. He knew names carried a lot of weight, and a lot of rumors. He knew right now, people knew Silas Kelley as the violent kid. People said he tarnished Ray's good name. He didn't want to do that. But he didn't know how to be any better.

                "What's attached to your name?" Silas asked.

                Kaito shrugged. "My family's legacy, I assume. My father and Uncle own quite a successful company together. That's what people think when they hear Riku. I've got to build what I want them to think when they hear Kaito."

                "Yea, well, my name's already got its weight," Silas said.

                "If you don't like that, then change it," Kaito said simply.

                "Ain't that easy," Silas said.

                "No, it's not that easy," Kaito agreed. "But if you care, you'll put in the work. Start by looking people in the eye and confidently telling them who you are. Make them doubt what they've heard. Or live the rest of your life looking away and mumbling who you are."

                "I'm gettin' a donut," Silas said, heading over to them.

                "I recommend the ones in the middle. I saved a few for Jill and me, but I suppose I'll share," Kaito said.

                Silas took a donut from the middle, bit into it, and realized why Kaito had saved some. Jill came over and poured them each a cup of cider, handing it to Silas before taking a donut for herself.

                "Kaito, I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain Silas's math homework to him, but I think I'm just confusing him more," Jill said.

                "I can help. I've seen Akira doing his homework, and I'd assume they're on the same topic. Go get your stuff and bring it here," Kaito said.

                "Wait here," Jill said to Silas before leaving the room.

                "Who said I want your help?" Silas said, glaring.

                "You don't have to take my help," Kaito said, shrugging. "But I'm offering it to you. Might as well see if I can get it through to you better than Jill can."

                Silas didn't get Kaito. He carried himself like he was a big shot, but he wasn't being condescending towards Silas. He didn't turn his nose up at him and wave him away for his violence. He just met his eyes and talked to him what? Like Ray. The way Ray did when he was trying to help Silas.

                "You piss me off, I'm eatin' all the donuts you saved," Silas warned.

                Kaito smiled, just a small thing. "I can accept that, Silas."

                He didn't say his name like Silas was used to. Everyone else said it with fear or disgust or even hatred. But he just "Silas" like he was waiting for Silas to give meaning to it.

                Silas sat down at a desk, gripping his drink. He wasn't sure how he felt about Kaito yet, but he was willing to stick around until he found out just what "Kaito" would end up meaning to him. 

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