Chapter 28 Kiss

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Tony's Pov:

"Why in the fuck would you bring him here!?" I winced...Who the fuck is yelling?

"Listen to us." I heard Sam plead.

"Hell no! I'm going to put a damn arrow in his head." Clint snapped and I sat up. Clint had his bow ready to go, Peter looked so confused, Bucky looked pissed, Jay was just kind of looking like he didn't care, and Nat had a knife out. They were all looking at Stephen, T'Challa, Sam, and Bruce standing in front of...

"Steve?" I asked and everyone looked at me making me shrink...Ok then.

"Dad, are you ok?" Peter asked and I smiled.

"Fine kiddo although Hawkass needs to calm his hawk tits and stop screeching," I said.

"Any more Hawk things you want to through in there?" Clint asked.

"With his Hawkbow," I added and Clint snorted.

"You're ok with this?" Nat asked.

"Oh...That's not the evil clone...I think the evil clone is dead but this is the real Steve and ow...Someone else explain this." I groaned rubbing at my head.

"Let's talk in the kitchen," Bruce said looking at me.

"Thanks, Brucie Bear love you." I cooed.

"Yeah, you too," Bruce said and I startled when Sam sat next to me.

"Hey, Tweetie," I said and he pulled me into a hug...I relaxed into it closing my eyes and resting my head against him.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"I feel like shit," I said.

"I'll go make that tea," Stephen said.

"Nasty ass leaf water," I mumbled and heard someone chuckle on my other side.

"Here," Sam said and I opened my eyes as he made me lay down on his lap. I winced at the light when a hand covered my eyes.

"Close your eyes," T'Challa said.

"Don't have to tell me twice," I mumbled closing them and felt the hand leave.

"No more pushing yourself." Sam scolded.

"Ok, StepHEN." I said and Sam laughed.

"We are serious, Ukatana," T'Challa said.

"You barely had a day of rest after saving T," Sam said and I shuttered as a hand started playing with my hair.

"Sorry," I said. "I just had to know...It's nice...To know it wasn't my fault and that it wasn't actually him." I said and I started to drift off when it got really quiet.

"Is he alright?" I cracked my eyes open and looked at Steve. I could feel the protective energy coming off in waves from T'Challa.

"Calm it pussycat," I mumbled and Steve looked at me.

"He just needs rest," Sam said.

"This time he is going to get it," Stephen said and I groaned.

"Please don't lock me in the tower...I just want to be free." I said dramatically.

"Too bad," Stephen said and I frowned looking at him. "Don't give me that look." He said and I gave Sam the look.

"Now that's just not fair man," Sam said and I laughed.

"'re all his soulmates?" Steve asked and I felt the protectiveness coming off in waves on both T'Challa and Steph. Like fuck, I'm pretty sure you can see the shit and the glares they are sending him.

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