Chapter 17 Not So Bad Bad Guys

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Tony's Pov:

"Well...This place looks like shit." I said whistling and kicking a piece of what looked to be the ceiling.

"Where is everyone?" Sam asked.

"Hopefully not here since it's not safe anymore," I said whistling and walking away from them. I heard them following me though as I walked over to a wall and pressed my palm against it.

"Tony Stark identified...Welcome, home boss." I grinned as the wall opened up.

"What?" Sam asked.

"That's not your other AI," T'Challa said.

"This is Friday...She's usually activated when Jay is down." I said. "Fir sweetie, Is anyone here?" I asked.

"No, boss," Friday said.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked.

"Gerald came to there rescue." She said...Fuck...Gerald! Damn haven't seen him in a while.

"Thanks, Fri...Can you get someone to clean this up?" I asked.

"Of course boss," Friday said.

"Looks like we're going to go visit Gerald," I said and texted Happy.

"Who's Gerald?" Sam asked as the elevator took us down to the garage.

"Gerald was one of the people that kidnapped me," I said and Stephen's eyes widened.

"What!?" Steph asked.

"Wait, kidnapped?" Sam asked.

"Long story but pretty much Howard wouldn't pay and they let me go...They were all laid off work and had been struggling...Why they thought taking me and getting Howard to pay would help...They were never going to hurt me." I said shrugging.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Gerald and Simon are brothers and Simon's wife left him and he had two daughters...Then Adam who gave me money to take the bus was homeless pretty much." I said.

"So, they weren't bad people?" Stephen asked.

"If they were they wouldn't have let me go...or done something worse," I said and Stephen frowned...Yeah...they were the best ones.

"So, they work for you now?" T'Challa asked and the elevator opened.

"Yeah, Gerald is a driver for me when Happy is busy with Pepper. Simon actually oversees the companies' Finances because he's actually really fucking good at keeping track of shit. Adam keeps my cars clean..." I said and Happy opened the door for us.

"Tony? Where to?" Happy asked.

"Gerald," I said and Happy smiled.

"Can do." Happy said and we all climbed in. I frowned when I noticed how tense Stephen was...Fuck, right.

"It's ok...Just focus on us." I said holding Stephen's hand.

"You alright?" Sam asked.

"Not good with cars," Stephen said and Sam frowned.

"Tell us more about these kidnappers," T'Challa said.

"Well...Simon's daughters have a full trip to whatever college they want." I said and Stephen looked at me. "What every kid deserves a chance so SE provides full rides to college if you work for us," I said and Stephen's eyes softened.

"Was that your idea?" Stephen asked.

"Not really," I said and Happy laughed.

"Bull the whole thing was your idea and you wouldn't shut up about it for a week." Happy said.

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