Chapter 10 Two Soulmates?

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Bucky's Pov:

"Hey, Jay...What's wrong?" I asked and the little android tilted his head then looked at my wings.

"I do not have wings...How would I know if I have a soul?" Jay asked.

"Well...The soul writing but don't worry about it Jay...I'm sure you have a soul." I said and Jay smiled.

"What makes you so sure?" Jay asked.

"There is a lot of people in this world that should be soulless and they're not as sweet as you are I'm sure you have one, doll," I said and realized I had used a nickname I haven't said in years to Jay when I used to use it on dames...I noticed Jay had cyan on his cheeks...It matches his eyes. Is that his blush? That is cute...

"You...think I'm sweet," Jay asked tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"Yeah," I said...Adorable, sweet, sassy...All my favorite things rolled into a hu...uh android. I sometimes forget he's not human...

Tony's Pov:

"He lives!" T'Challa proclaimed and I glared at him.

"Shut it kitty," I said.

"But...I'm your kitty," T'Challa said.

"Should I be worried about this?" Sam asked.

"A Cat has many are my favorite...Stark is my least favorite." T'Challa said.

"Hey!" I said and winced at my chest...Easy Stark.

"You ok?" Sam asked.

"Peachy," I said and saw their worried looks at me.

"I'll go find Bruce and see if he got your new pain meds ready," T'Challa said getting up. He gave a quick kiss to Sam before leaving.

"You're his second favorite," Sam said.

"I know," I said sitting down.

"I mean it...He likes you, Tony." Sam said.

"Sam...Does Steve have words?" I asked.

"Yeah." Sam said and I frowned...still holding on..."Why?" Sam asked.

"They're mine...I used to have his." I said.

"Wait...that can happen?" Sam asked.

"Yeah...They were never dark like Steph's...Steve's always were dull like he was here and an option but not a good one...They're gone now." I said.

"I just can't imagine you with anyone but Strange," Sam said.

"Just like I can't imagine you with anyone but the Pussycat," I said and Sam snorted.

"T'Challa said one day he's going to put cat ears and a tail on your suit so he can make jokes about Ironpussy." Sam said and I laughed before wincing..."Shit sorry..." Sam said wincing in sympathy.

"It's fine," I said.

"Where's your dad?" Sam asked.

"In another di- Oh you meant Jarvis...He said something about clothes and finding Steph." I said.

"When I say dad I'll always mean him," Sam said making me smile.

"Here." I startled when T'Challa sat a pill bottle in front of me. "Bruce said if you don't take it he's ok with me forcing it down your throat like you would a dog," T'Challa said.

"Jesus...ok," I said and winced as I started to get up when a hand pushed on my shoulder...T'Challa was holding my shoulder and I hadn't noticed Sam get up. Sam sat a glass of water on the table and I gave them a confused look.

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