Chapter 6 Nyah

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Stephen's Pov:

"I should make Anthony some coffee," I said looking at my cup when I heard a loud thump and then Anthony came running in half-dressed.

"Take me to the hospital!" Anthony shouted looking frantic and making Sam and T'Challa startle.

"Tony, what's wr-"

"NOW!" He snapped making my eyes widen and I noticed the panic on his face...

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Fine," Anthony said quickly.

"What hospital?" I asked.

"The one...The big one...In Forest Hills." He said and my eyes widened...That's where Peter lives. "NOW PLEASE!" Anthony snapped and I turned as Anthony finished getting dressed. By the time the portal was ready Anthony jumped through and I followed quickly. I let the cloak carry me as I watched Anthony run through the halls till he skidded to a stop in front of the bench where...Peter was sitting looking run down.

"Pete?!" Anthony shot toward him and Peter looked up at him, eyes watering.

"Mr.Stark," Peter mumbled and Anthony pulled him into a hug.

"What's going on, kid? Tell me what I can do?" I have never seen Anthony like this...He was panicked and worried.

"...Aunt May..." Peter's voice cracked and my eyes widened...That's all Peter had left. Anthony held him tight his wings wrapping around Peter protectively as he glared at people that looked at them funny. "She fell...I wasn't there and she fell." Peter sobbed and Anthony nodded.

"It's not your fault...Breath Peter." Anthony said and I noticed him rocking Peter slightly...Anthony may not have had a father but he'd make a good one.

"Excuse me." I looked over and saw the doctor. Peter shot up and out of Anthony's hold looking nervous.

"Is she ok?" Peter asked and the woman looked like she didn't want to say anything...So...she's not.

"Are you Mr. Stark?" She asked and Anthony looked at her confused.

"Yes." He said.

"May would like to see you for a minute." She said and Anthony gave me a worried expression.

"I'll stay here with Peter," I said and Peter looked at Anthony.

"I'll go see how she's doing...She's tough so I'm sure she's fine." Anthony said and Peter nodded sniffling. We both watched the doctor walk Anthony in and I frowned...This isn't good...Why would she want to talk to him?

"I should have been there." Peter started to cry again and the cloak moved quickly draping over him as I pulled him into a hug.

"It's not your fault Peter...Things happen and we can't always be there for them. Sometimes were destined to not be there..." I said.

"She's all I have," Peter mumbled.

"You have Wade...You have Anthony and me." I said.

"Mr.Stark is just teaching me," Peter mumbled.

"He loves you're like a son to him," I said and Peter looked up at me surprised.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course...He rushed over here, after just waking up without coffee." I said and Peter chuckled a bit.

"I didn't mean to scare him," Peter said.

"Peter he probably didn't read anything except your name and the word hospital. He's always going to worry about you it's a parent's job." I said.

"Don't tell him this...I've always liked to pretend he's my dad...I don't have one so it's nice to think..." Peter trailed off.

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