Chapter 26 Remembering

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Tony's Pov:

"Anthony?" I startled and looked up at T'Challa. "You alright?" He asked.


"Come on, stay with me," I said looking at T'Challa as he laid on the cold ground shivering and bleeding his eyes slightly open showing the blue.

"Anthony?" He asked.

"Hey...It's ok...You're going to be ok." I said and reached out touching his hand. He was looking into my eyes and I tried to send some of my magic into him. His eyes closed for a second and he sighed in relief.

"Thank you." He said looking at me and I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing but I was apparently doing it right. I don't think I can heal him...He was in that water for a long time and I couldn't heal him then that'd have just been a waste...I doubt I could do it now with the amount of energy just used to keep him alive in the water.

"Just stay with me ok." I pleaded and he smiled softly at me. The line to T'Challa was flickering between us as he got weaker every second.

"You shouldn' here..." T'Challa said.

"Too bad," I said.

" were need rest." He said.

"And leave you to die?! Hell to the fuck to the no." I said and he got quiet his eyes closing slightly.

"Take care...of Sam," T'Challa said and I glared at him.

"No, you're the guard cat! So stay awake..." I said gripping his hand and I was surprised to not faze through or something. "Don't leave us please," I said feeling tears welling up.

"I hate it...when you cry," T'Challa said weakly.

"Then stay alive asshole," I said.

"So comforting," T'Challa said.

"I'm trying here...I'm new to this," I said. "Sam's better at this shit," I added and saw people walking this way...Yes! Come on! Over here! I felt T'Challa's hand going slack and my eyes widened. "No...No...come on!" I begged. "Dammit stay with me!" I hissed and touched his chest. "Please...We love you...I love you." I said and was shocked a bit...I mean I knew but...I didn't think I'd say it.

"I'm here, Ukatana," T'Challa said reaching up and touching my cheek trying to wipe away my tears...I'm not really here though...I have no idea how we can touch each other.

"Uka-Uk...What?" I asked and T'Challa chuckled weakly as he looked up at me that's when someone pulled T'Challa away.

"He's delirious." Someone said and T'Challa looked at me.

"His eyes glow...He is seeing something." One person said as they lifted T'Challa and started walking. I stayed with him until they laid him on the table...

"Are you here?" T'Challa asked weakly.

"Kind of..." I said.

"He's on the edge of death but does not teeter something is keeping him there." I heard a woman say.

"Ukatana." I smiled...I have no idea what that means but he's saying it so sweetly so I'm ok with it.

"Yeah, I'm here...I'm not going anywhere," I said squeezing his hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, idiot," I said and he frowned.

"You don't look it." He said and I swallowed knowing he was right...I felt like I was fighting someone trying to drag me away.

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