Chapter 10

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We enter his house and I sit down on the couch. He sits opposite me.
Hailee:"My mom grounded me."
Hailee:"My mom found out about us."
He scowls.
His deep voice and dark eyes begins to scare me.
Then I told him why and I couldn't read his facial expression. Confused?worried?
Theo:"I shouldn't have got into this mess in  the first place."
Hailee:"Its my fault too."
Hailee:"Its not just your fault Theo."
Theo:"What did else did Kate say?"
Hailee:"She said if I don't break up with you she will get you fired."
Theo:"Well what evidence does she have?"
Hailee:"I can't delete the messages and miss calls on my phone cause she has it."

Theo:"It strikes me that there's bullshit happening here with your mom and we need to clear that up soon."
Hailee:"I would've lied to her that night after the meeting but I couldn't."
Theo:"You're a fool. You can't even tell a lie."
I looked down,he's really angry right now.
I couldn't keep my tears in much long,I don't know what to do. This is all my fault.
Theo:"Are you...are you crying?"
He frowns.
I wipe my tears.
I look up at him, why is he looking at me like that?
Theo:"Why do I feel as if you're hiding something from me?"
Shit. The baby.
Hailee:"I'm not. I'm just worried about us."

Theo:"I don't care anymore,She'll have to get me fired,I don't care if everyone will find out. I don't want anything to come between us. I just want to be with you."
Damn that's deep...all of that,just to be with me.
He makes my heart flutter.

I walked over to him and sat on his lap,kissing him tenderly,our tounges connecting with one another and I pull away.
Hailee:"I want to be with you too...but don't say things like that. I'll speak to my mother."
Good,now tell him your secrets.. My inner voice speaks.
Here goes...

Hailee:"Theo, I uhm...need to tell you something."
I was so nervous. What if he gets so angry about this and leave me forever. I don't want that.
Theo:"Baby,you're shaking,what's wrong?"
Hailee:"I'm pregnant."
I couldn't describe his facial expression and his still looking into my eyes this very moment.
Bullshit I know.
Theo:"That's wonderful news."
I frown. What???
He smiles,then he realizes I'm not smiling,just frowning.
Theo:"Whats wrong?"
Hailee:"Its a bad thing. Why are you so happy?"
You idiot its a good thing if he's happy.
I regret saying that.
He looks at me confused.
Theo:"I'm happy because I love you...and that we're having a baby...I'm happy because I'm going to be a father for the first time."
His tone sounds really serious. My heart skipped a beat when he said he loved me.
Hailee:"You can't be happy James...if my mom finds out I'm screwed. She'll put me out of the house."
Theo:"Then you must live with me."
Hailee:"I'm not ready to be a mother."
Theo:"I think you'd be a great mother."
Hailee:"No I won't. I never liked babies and I'm not good with them."
Theo:"Don't worry my love,we're in on this together."
He pulls me into his chest.
Oh I love it when he does that.
I check the time.
Hailee:"Theo,can you drop me at school, my mom will be there in a few."

We arrived at school and he stopped where no one could see.
Hailee:"Hey,I'm glad you didn't freak when I told you the news."
He smiled.
Hailee:"I thought you were gonna leave me."
He frowns.
Theo:"No I would never. I can't live without you."
My heart flutters once again.
I peck his lips.
Theo:"Off you go."
I got out and he drives off. I really felt like sitting and talking things out  with him but I can't.
My mom showed up and I get into the car.
Kate:"Good day."
Kate:"How was your day?"
Really? She's asking me how my day is? After her grounding me and threatening me,now she wanna be nice?
I  just don't get her.
Kate:"Still angry?"

Oh of course I'm still angry mom.
My mom sighs. I hardly looked at her,just stared out the window.
Kate:"I see Theo gave up calling you and texting you,cause he's finally come to a realization that you're too young for him and he'd actually your teacher."
Hailee:"Mom,did you read my old texts of him?"
Kate:"Yes. I must say he's really a charm guy in his words."
I shake my head. Bitch.
Kate:"Are you still seeing him?"
Kate:"Are you lying?"
Kate:"He's just gonna put a baby in you then leave you."
He did put a baby in me,but he won't leave me.
Speaking of baby,I just can't be the mother of his child. I miss him now.
Maybe I should tell my Mom about the baby before things get worse.
No don't you idiot.
I shake the thoughts away walking into the house.
Hailee:"Hey dad."
I kiss his cheek.
John:"There's my girls."
I place my bag down.
John:"I know about you and your teacher. Your mother told me."
Hailee:"Dad,please. I'm not in the mood to argue."
John:"No ones going to argue."
Hailee:"Look,mom and dad,just give him a chance, he's a really good guy."
Hailee:"Mom,you were jerking off with a 18 year old."
John:"Whoa whoa whoa."
Hailee:"Yeah,my best friend, and if it weren't for you getting back with dad,you would've still been with Max."
Kate:"It was lust okay? He  was just like a puppy who needed love alright? I am not in the wrong here."
My dad looks confused.
So now she calls Max a dog.
Hailee:"Please give him a chance please."
My mom stares at me.
Hailee:"I'm carrying his child."
They looked at me,shocked, angry. Crap I shouldn't have said that.
Kate:"That's it,get out of this house!"
John:"Kate,no...where will she live?"
Kate:"She can live with him. See I told you Hailee,they bring babies, that's all they do,then they leave you and your hearts broken and you start to regret things!"
Hailee:"He's actually happy that we're having this baby."
John:"He is?"
Hailee:"Because he loves me."
Kate:"That's not the point, you're pregnant for gods sake,at an early age!"
Hailee:"If you want me out...that's fine with me."
I head quickly upstairs and start packing.
John:"Hails come back!...your mom didn't mean it like that."
Hailee:"Don't try and stop me dad!"
I grab my phone quickly and ran out.
I got in the car and drove as fast as I could. They couldn't stop me and it was late now. Why would she put me out of the house. Why did I fucking tell them?!! I'm so stupid.
She hates me,my Mom hates me.
It started raining. Great, just great.
I put the wipers on so that I can see where I'm driving. I'm glad I took my phone. I deleted the texts and calls. My mom can't scare me.

I stopped at Theo's house,taking my suitcase out and knock on his door,standing in the rain. I just can't deal with my parents right now. I just wanna be away from them for a while.
He opens the door and I walk in,soaking wet. He was cooking food.
Hailee:"It smells lovely."
Theo:"I'm happy to see you."
He kisses my cheek.
Hailee:"I'm gonna stay here for a while."
Theo:"More quality time with you."
I smile.
Hailee:"I'm gonna get changed out of these wet clothes."
I went upstairs and put on my PJ shorts and top, heading back down.

Hailee:"My mother knows I'm pregnant. She said I should get out of the house."
Theo:"She didn't mean it."
Hailee:"She did. She hates me."
Theo:"Why did you tell her?"
Hailee:"I thought it would be the right thing to do. I can't keep hiding things from her. The truth always comes our you know?"
Theo:"She'll get over it."
Hailee:"I've been thinking..."
He puts down his knife from cutting vegetables and stands to look at me.
Theo:"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Hailee:"I'm going to give the baby away."
He scowls.
Hailee:"This was a mistake,I don't want this child I told you I don't want this. Theo I'm sorry...I know you pictured a family but I just can't."
Theo:"Our love was a mistake?"
Theo:"Hailee,people have sex and we didn't only do it once. These things happen you know."
Hailee:"I know."

He sighs walking closer to me, placing his hand on my stomach.
Theo:"Don't do this."
I sit on the couch, looking down.
Theo:"Who do you wanna give the baby to?"
Hailee:"I haven't thought about that yet."
He sits next to me.
Theo:"I don't want to argue with you."
Me too James.
Hailee:"Hold me,Like you always do."
He smiles,sitting down and pulling me into his chest.
Yes,he's not arguing, maybe he accepts that I'll give the baby out for adoption... But to who?
I'll have to think this through, its got to be someone close.

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