Chapter 6: Villains Attack! Part 1

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I sat at my desk, early to school like always. But this time I was drowsy as all hell because my father decided to be a b*tch and have me do extra training last night for sassing him. Shoto walked in, always being the second one in class in the mornings. "Good morning (Y/N)." He greeted simply. I yawned. "Morning...Shoto." I greeted. "You okay?" He questioned. "Nope. Training's a b*tch and now I'm tired as f*ck." I growled. "I see." He said sitting at his own desk. "Wake me up when the rest of the class gets here." I said closing my eyes. 

We I felt someone shaking me awake I shot up into proper posture. I shot a look at Shoto who had already retracted his hand. "Did I miss something?" I questioned. "No Aizawa is just starting." He responded. "Today hero training has turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person." Aizawa announced. "Excuse me!" Sero said raising his hand. "What'll we be doing?" He asked. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training." Aizawa said, holding out a card that read 'rescue' in big blue letters. "Rescue..." Kaminari trailed off in an excited tone. "Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too." He said. I nodded. "Definitely. Something tells me it's going to be exciting." I said mostly to myself. So why do I have such a bad feeling about all this? I thought. Let's just focus on what everyone is saying right now. Right. Sorry. My attention refocused. "Hey I'm not done." Aizawa said, causing the class to calm down. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time." He said. "Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too." He added. B*TCH F*CK YEAH! Yeah. No burning hands this time. Can we still burn Bakugo? Not before I toast you first. "The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready." With that Aizawa walked off. I jumped up and got my costume. Once I changed I walked out to where everyone else was gathering. I noticed Mineta stareing at a few of the girls. Then all of a sudden his hair was lit on fire. Geez who keeps doing that!? Then a block of ice was dropped on his head again. Where did that come from I wonder? I shot Shoto a quick small smile which he returned. "Alright everyone." I said clapping my hands together and getting everyone's attention. "Let's make sure no one's pushing to get on the bus alright? I'm excited too but no need to get violent. Bakugo I'm looking at you." I said. Bakugo growled at me. "What's with all the growling? You a dog or something f*ck face? You really need to chill before you blow something." I said with a smirk. He then proceeded to flip me off. I returned the gesture while sticking my tongue out at him. "Screw you too Kacchan. Get on the bus!" I barked. He just grumbled something before getting on, shooting me one final glare. I turned to the others with a smile. "He just needs a strong hand every now and then." I said. Izuku's eyes widened. "(Y/N) LOOK OUT!" He shouted. I ducked just in time to avoid Kacchan before sending him flying with a punch to the gut. I dusted off my hands. "" I said side stepping so he landed on the ground with a thud. "Like I said. Strong hand." I said with a smirk. I grabbed Bakugo by the leg and dragged him onto the bus, the others following while sweat-dropping. I sat next to Shoto on the bus. He actually seemed to be falling asleep. "Hey (Y/N) that scene back there ring a few bells to you?" Deku questioned. I smirked. "First time we met I had protected you from Bakugo. He tried pulling a similar move to sneak up on but you warned me just in time for me to counter attack." I recalled. "Ah, feels like yesterday. Then again I just relived the experience." I said. 

Pretty soon conversation topic had shifted to Quirks. "Well if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki, Bakugo, and (Y/N), though, huh?" Kirishima said. Shoto didn't say anything, looking like he was half asleep. I perked up at the mention of my name, refocusing on the conversation. Bakugo just ignored it. "Bakugo's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though." Tsu said. This caused me to laugh, Izuku to flinch back in fear, and Bakugo to get angry. "What the hell! You wanna fight!" Bakugo shouted. "Sit down hedgehog." I growled. "See?" Tsu questioned pointing at the angry Bakugo. "We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage." Kaminari said. This caused me to snicker. "What's with that vocabulary, b*stered?! I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouted. "OI! AND YOU HOT HEAD! QUIT LAUGHING!" Bakugo yelled at me, waking the aloof Shoto. "What's he shouting about?" Shoto questioned with a yawn. "Yeah because I'm the hot head here Bakugo. I'm not the one with the short fuse." I said. If looks could kill Bakugo would have killed me by this point. I crossed my arms with a smirk. "What're you going to do about it hedgehog. Every single time we've fought in the past you've rarely ever hit me. What makes you think this'll be any different?" I questioned. Yes I was purposely provoking him by this point. I stood up, meeting his eyes and going nose to nose with him. "What're you gonna do hedgehog? Kill me? Try me b*tch. I'll kick your a*s into the ground just like when we were four. And keep in mind, you don't have your d*mn henchmen to drag you away this time. A*shole The Hedgehog." I taunted with a smirk. "OHHHHHHHHH!" Everyone went. Except for Shoto, Izuku, and a few of the more silent ones. "Oi do you want to die?" Bakugo questioned in a low growl. My smirk grew. "Like you'd even have the balls to try." I hissed. "HOLY S*IT!" Someone shouted. "SHOTS FIRED!" I held a finger in front of my lips with an evil look in my eyes. "Well then explosion boy? What are you gonna do? Cause face it, you can't even touch me." I said. "MIC DROP!" "OHHHHHH S*IT!" "BURN!" Bakugo looked extremely p*ssed now. I poked his nose. "Yep. I literally just poked the hedgehog." I said with a normal smile. I sat back down with a chuckle. Shoto gave me a look. "What did I miss while I was asleep?" He questioned. "Nothing. Just everyone teasing Kacchan and me roasting him if you will." I explained. "Is that another fire pun? If so I think you're losing your flare." He said. I gave him a look of shock. "Did you just-." "We're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa said. He didn't. Oh he did. I like him. GOD F*CKING D*MNIT NOT ANOTHER ONE! WE HAD ENOUGH OF THAT WITH SKY! ... ... ... Let's....refocus now. Yeah...

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