Chapter 22: Shoto

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~Your POV~

I woke up with a groan. I got up and stretched before looking around the room. The room wasn't that big with just the bed in it and a dresser. And my suitcase was set neatly by the dresser. The walls were (F/C) and the floor was covered by a (S/F/C) carpet. I also noticed a small nightstand by my bed and that the bed itself was queen sized. But I quickly took notice to a small brown door to the left of the room. It seemed so out of place to me. Does that lead to the bathroom? 'No. This room is to the right of the bathroom. So if that door where to go to the bathroom it should have been on the right side of the room.' Velvet is right. That door leads away from the bathroom. So why is it there? And where does it go? I thought. I got up out of bed and walked over to the brown door. I opened the door and saw that each corner of the room had some sort of theme. The room was quite large, in one corner there was a punching bag and other forms of training equipment. Another corner had bookshelves stocked with books and a desk was placed there as well. With a couple of shelves of its own. The next corner was set up like a lounge area with a couch and beanbag set up in front of a big screen TV with a bunch of different gaming consoles and video games ready, complete with controllers. And the last corner had a small kitchen set up. It was small but completed. "I didn't really know what you'd like to do in your free time so I decided to just....put a lot of things in this room." Izaya said. I jumped slightly. "Where the f*ck did you come from?" I questioned. He smirked at me. "I live here remember? So do you like it?" He questioned. "Like it? B*tch I f*cking love it." I said looking around. "The others are gonna have a field day with this." I mumbled to myself. "Others?" Izaya questioned. "Remember my Quirk?" I questioned. He nodded. "Basically Persona gives me multiple personalities and each one has specific tastes. Hang on I'll let you meet them." I said. I pushed past him and began walking to the bathroom. Izaya trailing behind me. I stood in front of the mirror. "I'm not gonna question why we're standing in front of the mirror-WHAT THE HELL!" Izaya shouted as my reflection shifted and the others came into view. 

I pointed to Darkheart. "That's Darkheart. She's the smart one. Quirk: Shadows." I said. Darkheart nodded to Izaya before messing with her knife. I pointed to Dragonheart who was currently playing with her fire. "That's Dragonheart. We like to call her Sparky. She's the angry one. Master of Devil's Flame." I introduced. Dragonheart looked over and smirked at Izaya. "Hey Flea." She said, waving at him. I went down the line. Once I was done I looked over at Izaya who currently had a notebook and was scribbling something down. I snickered a little. "What?" He questioned, looking over at me. "Nothing. You just reminded me of one of my friends." I said. He titled his head to the side a little, before shrugging and looking back at the others. "Sorry. It's just that I can't help it. This is all so interesting. I tend to study Quirks as a hobby or in case a client needs information about a certain Quirk. But I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, you said that you have control over all of them thanks to Mental Master right?" He questioned. "Yeah. But I only use Mental Master on them when they start getting out of control. Specifically Dark and Dragon. I haven't had problems with the other two yet." I said. Izaya nodded. "So you have control over five other minds, six if you count your own." He said. He returned to his notebook. "Do you mind if I borrow you for today?" Izaya questioned. "As long as nothing comes up." I said. All of a sudden my phone started ringing with the song Hot n Cold. "Five hundred yen on who that is." Dragonheart said, causing the others to snicker. I shot a glare at them before getting out my phone. I answered it. "Good morning. How's it going?" I questioned. "I was calling to check on you. Are you alright?" Shoto questioned on the other end. I snickered a little. "Yeah. I'm fine. Still a little banged up from the Sports Festival. How are you doing?" I questioned. "I'm fine. I wasn't hurt nearly as bad as you think I was. You're the one who got the worse injuries." He responded. I laughed. "You don't need to worry about me Icy-Hot. Remember I'm a lot tougher than I look." I said. He sighed on the other end. Silence followed. My happy expression faded slightly. "Shoto?" I questioned. "I...I got to talk to my mom the other day." He said. My eyes widened. "Really? What happened? Did everything go okay? Talk to me man!" He started laughing. "Easy there (Y/N). Let me explain alright?" He questioned. I sighed. "Sorry. I guess I'm a little concerned." I said. "To answer your earlier questions, yes really, we patched things up and talked a little, and yeah, everything went fine." He said. "You...patched things up?" I questioned. "Yeah. We did. She's a lot better now that she's gotten some distance between her and Endeavor." Shoto explained. I smiled, a few tears escaping the corners of my eyes. "That's great Sho! I'm glad things are going well." I said. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Shoto questioned, concern lacing his tone. I wiped my eyes quickly. "No, no. I'm fine. Just really happy for you man." I said, chuckling a little bit. He was silent for a minute. "Hey do you think we could hang out today?" He questioned. I hummed a little. "Well I don't know if it'd be me you'd be hanging out with. I'm pretty sure today is Velvet's day. Hang on let me check." I said. I looked over at Darkheart. She nodded back to me. "Yeah. Velvet is suppose to be in charge today." I said. "Um...I'm not sure how comfortable I am with Velvet." Shoto said. I shot a glare at said girl. "Velvet the f*ck did you do to him!?" I questioned. She shot me a smirk. "I may or may not have given him a heart attack. Just a little one though." She responded, giving me a small wink. "Shoto the hell did she do?" I questioned. "Um..." He trailed off. "Shoto I'd recommend telling her. With the rest of us backing her she can be extremely persuasive." Darkheart called over, loud enough for him to hear. "Velvet...may or may not my cheek before she left." Shoto mumbled quietly. I froze for a second. My eye started twitching. I took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. "I'll meet you by the school gates in an hour, sound good?" I questioned. "Umm...Sure that works for me." Shoto said. "Great. See you then." I said before hanging up. I spun around on a dime and glared at Velvet. 

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