Chapter 5: Class Rep

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The moment I fired to school the next morning I was swarmed by reporters. "God. So annoying." I grumbled to myself as they pestered me with questions. "What's he like as a teacher?" One of them questioned. I sighed. "All Might is a great teacher, and it's nice knowing that in any situation we've got the number one hero to be there. Now if you'll excuse me." I growled firing over the walls into the school. I can't believe All Might can deal with all that. Seriously! They're all so f*cking annoying! Mr. Aizawa was right about one thing. The media is annoying. I guess that's the appeal of being an Underground hero. 

The news that All Might had been hired as a teacher at U.A. surprised the nation, and the media descended on the school and caused a commotion for days. Everyone knew about it. Yeah, everyone

"Good work on combat training yesterday. I saw the video and the results." Mr. Aizawa said to the class. I was sitting in the back barely paying attention. "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid." That caused me to snicker a little. "I know." Bakugo grumbled. "And Midoriya." Aizawa said. Said boy flinched a little. "You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?" He questioned. "You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do." This caused Izuku to perk up slightly. As Aizawa continued with his lecture I eventually started drifting. Until this line cut through the air. "Decide on a class representative." Aizawa announced. "I'm sorry what?" I questioned. Pretty soon almost everyone was shouting to be class rep except for like, me, Izuku, and the ever silent Todoroki. Of course when that little pervert shouted something it appeared that his hair was set of fire. Gee I wonder how that happened. "Silence Please!" Iida shouted while the purple haired pervert was still running around screaming for someone to put his hair out. Eventually a block of ice was dropped on his head. Gee I wonder who did that one. "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it." Iida said. I nodded standing up. "Iida is correct. This is not some game. A Class Rep has to be prepared to lead his or her class in any situation. Whether it be a simply class project or an actual legit emergency. So please, everyone needs to calm the f*ck down! You're all way to loud!" Silence fell over the room. "I propose an election. Who ever has the most votes gets to be Class Rep. No need for arguments about it. Let the class choose who they want to represent them." I said. A few people murmured among themselves. "But how would we know who to choose?" Tsu questioned. "When picking a leader there are a few important aspects to look for." I started, drawing attention back to me. "Strength: You must have a leader who won't back down from a challenge and you know will stand up for you. Smarts: A smart leader to help guide you and your fellow classmates, through life, and emergencies. Uniqueness: This is more of a personal thing, but if I were to choose a leader to lead me I want someone who stands out from the crowd. One who can grab your attention almost immediately. Clear Voice: A true leader will voice their opinion freely, and be open to discussion. You want a leader to speak clearly and strongly so that they can be your voice in the most dire of situations. Yeah?" I questioned. A few people started nodding in agreement. "And Iida, man, you would have my vote..." I trailed off looking at him while sweat-dropping. "If your hand wasn't the highest one in the room. Seriously, chill man." I said. "I think (Y/N) is right!" Izuku declared standing up. I smiled. "Aw, thanks man." I said, ruffling his hair. "That's of you, y'know." I said with a wink. He glared at me. "Never mind. Ignore her." He growled. I just started laughing. Darkheart, I swear.... Welp. I'm done. That's it. I'm out. Later. That's when I noticed something that...irked me a little bit. I got on a knee and undid Izuku's tie before redoing it properly. I stood up with a small. "Better. That was going to bug me all day if I didn't do something about it." I said. A look of immense relief showed on his face. "Thanks (Y/N)." He said. I smiled with a wink. "Well, I didn't want you to be...tied down all day." I said. He just groaned in annoyance. "I don't see how anyone can find that funny." He grumbled shooting looks at some of the snickering classmates. "Well anyways, let's start the election." I said with a smile. Instead of voting I just napped at my desk until I woke up to the sound of Aizawa writing the results on the chalk board.

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