Flashback (Patton's POV)

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T.W.: eating disorder, attempt to purge

14 years ago

I skipped down the hall, heading to the kitchen to bake some cookies. I was going to make triple chocolate chip cookies. My favorite. And everyone else likes them to!

As I passed the bathroom, I heard heard gagging and crying. Whoever was in there was muttering to themselves. Then I heard gagging again. It broke my heart.

I knocked on the door, "Hey kiddo, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine Morality," a voice I recognized as Creativity said.

"Are you sure? You sound-"

"I said I'm fine!" He interrupted.

"I- okay..."

I stayed a moment longer, waiting for a reason to go in. I got it soon when something that sounded like a body hit the floor.

"Creativity?" I called out. No response. "Creativity, are you okay?!"

Still nothing. I tried to get in, but the door was locked. I pounded on the door, yelling his name.

"Patton? What's wrong?" I turned and saw Logan standing there.

"I-I heard Creativity c-crying and he said he was f-fine, but I think h-he fell and got h-hurt, but I c-can't get in b-because the door is locked, and i d-dont know what to do!" I started crying, fat tears rolling down my face.

Logan came up and hugged me, "It's okay Patton, I have a key that unlocks any door a side is behind, as long as they're in trouble,"

"S-so if it doesn't unlock then Creativity is okay?" I asked.

He nodded and pulled a small, silver office-looking key out of his pocket. He slid it into the lock and turned.

The lock clicked open.

Creativity was laying unconscious on the ground, wearing only a pair of loose, red shorts. Blood was smeared on his lips.

"Creativity!" I ran over to him and pulled his head into my lap. God, he was so skinny.

Logan knelt beside me and checked Creativity's pulse and breathing. Then he got up and grabbed two rags, rinsing them both in cold water. He placed one on Creativity's forhead and used the other to start cleaning the blood. When he finished, he sat next to me.

"Logan," I started quietly, playing with Creativity's hair, "is he gonna be okay?"

"Its 'going to', Patton," he said, "but I think he will be okay,"

I nodded and hugged Creativity, "he's so cold,"

"Why don't you get him a blanket while I take him to the commons?" Logan said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded again. He picked up Creativity and stood up, me following shortly after. While Logan carried Creativity away, I turned to go get Creativity's favorite blanket. A soft, fuzzy red blanket with gold swirls on it.

When I got back to the commons I saw that Logan had summoned a heater next to Creativity. I tucked the blanket around him, brushing his hair back.

"Mor-Morality?" Creativity's eyes fluttered open.

"I'm here, kiddo," I told him.

He reached up and touched his throat, "Hurts..."

"You ruptured some of the blood vessels in your esophagus, Creativity," Logan said, walking into the commons, "and you passed out from malnutrition. Creativity... are you starving yourself?"

Creativity shrugged, "s-some-times,"

"Creativity, why!?" I yelled. He flinched.

"M' sorry," Creativity said.

"No... no I shouldn't have yelled," I hugged him. He was still cold.

"Creativity, were you forcing yourself to throw up?" Logan asked, moving to sit on the arm of the couch.

Creativity nodded, "didn't work, though..."


"Patton," Logan said, "could you make Creativity some soup?"

"P-patton?" Creativity asked.

"My name, kiddo," I told him.

He nodded and smiled softly, "I like it,"

"Aww, thanks kiddo," I smiled, "I'm gonna go make your soup now,"

I stood up and walked over to the stove, grabbing a can of chicken noodle soup and a pot. A few minutes later, I poured the soup into a bowl and carried it out to the commons.

"Here ya go, Creativity!" I said, handing him the soup.

"Roman," he said.

"What's roaming?" I asked.

"My name, it's Roman," he said smiling.

My eyes widened, "oh... OH!" I laughed, "Roman's a great name!"

"If we're giving out names, mine is Logan," the smart trait said.

"Logan and Patton," Roman smiled.

"And Roman!" I added at the end, "now eat! I don't want you hurt again,"

Roman nodded and slowly sipped some of the soup, wincing a little. For a second I thought I made it to hot, but then I remembered the... situation. I rubbed my scars lightly.

Maybe we'll all be okay in the end...


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