Month three (Logan's POV)

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T.W.: panic attack, cursing, 'self' harm

I woke to a loud scream in the middle of the night. A flash of panic shot through me and for a short second I thought I was back in the cave with depression and Deceit injured and Patton captured-

I shook myself from those thoughts, reminding myself that I was in my room, in the Mind Palace, and that someone screamed and I should go check on them.

I turned on a lamp and slid out of bed, heading towards Roman's room. I opened the door quietly.

Roman was holding Virgil, whispering things to him. Virgil was shaking. He appeared to have had a panic attack. Roman placed a quick kiss on Virgil's hair and continued to rub his back.

I crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to them. Roman looked up at me, sadness and pain evident in his eyes. I sighed and carefully reached out to rub Virgil's shoulder. He tensed a bit, but relaxed soon after.

We sat in relative silence until Virgil calmed down.

"Are you okay Virgil?" I asked quietly.

He nodded into Roman's chest.

"Nightmare..." He mumbled, "sorry to wake you,"

"Oh, it's quite alright," I told him.

"I know I just feel... bad," he said.

"Ah, feelings," I said in an attempt to lighten the mood, "those were never my specialty, Patton would be much more suited for this,"

"But Patton's not here." Virgil said firmly.

I blinked in surprise at his tone, "no, not currently, but he'll be back soon,"

"How soon is soon, Logan!" Virgil snapped, "It's been three months! It's not like Patton is just gonna waltz right in! We don't even know where he is! He could be dead for all we know!"

"Virgil!" Roman said, shocked.

I stayed silent. He was right. We're no closer to finding Patton than the day we lost him.

"I'm sorry Virgil..." I said.

"I just want Dad back," he whimpered into Roman's chest, "I just want him back..."

"We all do," I sighed.

"Then fucking act like it."


Then something clicked.

I stood. I crossed the room, not saying a word, and left. I marched down the hall to Deceit's room and pounded on his door. The yellow and black swirls decorating the wood gave an almost hypnotizing affect and seemed to shift when he opened the door.

"What are you doing asleep at this hour?" Deceit asked, clearly annoyed.

"You know where depression is." I said.


"You know where it's keeping Patton, don't you!" I yelled, "You've been hiding something, what is it! You have some sort of connection with it, so tell me!"

"Logan," Roman said, "Calm down,"

"Calm down? Patton is missing! Depression is taking over the Mindscape! We're stuck on a plan and HE knows something" I jabbed my finger in Deceit's chest.

"Logan, stop," Virgil said quietly, "yeah, Patton's not here and we don't have a plan, but you don't have to take it out on the Snake."

"Exactly, he doesn't know anything, right?" Roman said.

Deceit looked down and didn't say anything.

"Right?" Roman tried again.

"R-right..." Deceit whispered.


"You do know something." I hissed, "You knew and you kept it from us!"

I lunged at him, but Roman held me back.

"Logan, enough!" He shouted, "I am honestly so tired of being the task master here!"

"I wasn't going to tell you," Deceit said, his voice small, "but I thought that when Patton is away, things wouldn't go back to the way it wasn't before..."

I scoffed, "You have no idea what Patton's going through,"

I turned sharply and went into my room, slamming the door and locking it. I started pacing, anger bubbling inside of me. He knew. He knew for three months and didn't say a word!

My fist flew through the wall. I could feel the bruses already starting to form before I pulled it out. There were a few cuts, but nothing serious.

I sighed and slid down the wall. All my anger evaporated, only to be replaced with a deep ach.

I want to be emotionless again. I want Patton back. I want everything to be okay again.

Maybe it will.


(Patton's POV)

I wince. Another cut. How long have I been here? I can't move. I miss Logan. And Roman. And Virgil. And the kids. I just want to go home.

A tear falls. Ripples shake the slowly rising water. My lake of tears. Soon I'll drown.

Maybe they'll find me. Maybe I'll go home.


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