Flashback (Deceit's POV)

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T.W.: blood, self harm

1 hour ago.

I was going to get Patton back today. Grabbing my hat, I teleported myself to the entrance of the cave.

I took a deep breath, "Its never or now."

I set my hat on my head and marched in.

It was cold and dark. The depression seemed to move to let me pass. I ventured in further, trying to find Patton. My feet hit water and I knew I was close. As I walked in further, I heard sniffling.

"Patton?" I called out.

The crying stopped, "h-hello?"

"Patton!" I said, "Its not Deceit. I'm not here to rescue you."

"Deceit..." Patton said, appearing from around a corner, "You're actually here?"

I nodded, "I'm not going to take you back to Logan and Roman and Virgil and the kids."

"B- but depression won't let me leave," Patton's eyes started to fill with tears, "it'll hurt you."

"Yes, Patton!" I exclaimed, "I can't control it!"

"That's right!" Patton's expression brightened.

"Go off," I said, taking his hand and guiding him towards the exit.

He giggled a bit at my backwards speach and stumbled forward a little. But then depression attacked.

I managed to stop one of its attacks, but the other grazed my side. Only a scratch, I told myself. I heard Patton scream.

I turned to see Patton dodging three tendrils all at once. I focused and snapped two of them off. They disappeared before they hit the water. The third turned sharply towards me. I rolled out of the way.

"Stay here!" I yelled to Patton.

"No!" Patton cried, "I'm not leaving you!"

"This is exactly what got you free the last time!" I shouted back, "Thomas needs me... He doesn't need to, so stay!"

"No! You're important and loved and needed! You're my kiddo, Deceit... I'm not leaving without you!" Patton yelled, "I'm not leaving you alone again."

Tears had come to my eyes, "Pa-"

I was cut off by a sharp pain in my back and stomach. Looking down I saw a tendril covered in blood sticking out of my stomach. I heard Patton scream as I fell to the ground.

"Deceit!" Patton said, suddenly above me, "Hey, were gonna get you outta here, okay kiddo?"

"Patton, stay," I gasped, "I don't seal depression."

He shook his head, "No, once you seal depression I can get us both out of here."

"Its not dangerous..." I tried to convince him.

"Please?" Patton begged.

I nodded quickly, focusing the last of my energy into creating a barrier that only I could break. I hoped it worked.

(Patton's POV)

"Deceit you did it!" I exclaimed.

He didn't respond.

"Deceit?" Nothing.

I panicked. Snapping my fingers, I teleported us to the Mind Palace. I had to find the others. Then I heard voices from the commons.

"Its just... I was going to propose to you..."

"I would love to marry you Virgy."

I peered around the corner and saw Roman and Virgil kissing!

"Awww! That's so cute!" I squealed.

Logan turned around. Oh, Logan... his face immediately brightened.

"Patton!" He threw his arms around me and hugged me like I would dissapear if he let go.

"Oh my god, Pat, how did you get here?" Logan asked, holding my face in one hand while the other rested on my shoulder.

"Deceit rescued me." I told him. Then I remembered, "Oh no, Deceit's hurt bad, Logan! He needs help!"

"Pat, calm down, take me to Deceit." He said, gripping my hand.

I nodded and pulled him to where I left Deceit.

Blood was quickly pooling around the scaled traits body. It was soaked into his clothes around a gaping hole in his abdomen.

"Oh god..." I heard Roman gasp as Logan rushed to stop the bleeding.

I didn't realise how much I was shaking until Virge wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"Patton?" Logan's voice cut through.

I looked up at him. He looked worried.

"W-what's gonna happen?" I asked.

"He's alive," Logan said quietly, "But I don't know if he's going to make it..."

"And?" I said, moving out of Virgil's hug.

Logan took a deep breath, "his spine was almost completely severed. If he makes it, he will be paralyzed from the waist down."

I nodded. Looking down at my arms, I winced.

"Uh, Logan?" I said quietly.

"What's wrong, Pat?" Logan asked.

Slowly, I showed him my wrists. Virgil gasped and I quickly held my arms to my chest. I looked down at the floor, tears silently making their way down my face.

Without saying anything, Logan motioned for the other two to leave. He gently grabbed my wrists and sat me down at the table. He silently began cleaning the cuts, wrapping bandages around them when he finished. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you so much." He whispered.

"I missed you too, Logy." I hugged him back.

I pulled away slightly and connected our lips. Third times the charm...


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