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This is the end. No! It's not maybe I can just reason with Georgia, so, I got out and Georgia was right in front of those army tanks I gasped at how much people were on her side something was moving behind her, like she held a chain around her wrist I was anxious to see.

"Hey! I DECLARED YOU DON'T GO ON MY PART OF TOWN!" I screamed looking back at my people in a line facing the commotion they were so brave, I bit my lip because Olaf was still pretty young. He you know could...

"LOOK! I SHOULD HAVE THIS JAIL, LOOK AT ME THEN YOU, YOU HAVE NOTHING ONLY YOUR LOUSY PEOPLE AND YOUR SWEET JAIL!" she screamed back with her people aiming guns at my people. I scoffed.

"NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I then signaled everyone to grab the guns; we stepped forward; then, CABOOM!

The tank just blasted something toward the jail I looked back, the jail was now on fire, my jail was on fire, she yelled something, "IF I CAN'T HAVE IT THEN NO ONE WILL!" then five more fire things erupted from the tanks.

Georgia walked toward me then I found out that 'soomething' was my ex-boyfriend Darrick I felt weak that I collapsed on the ground.

"So, how did I know? Well, I was his mother and you broke his heart," she informed punching and kicking me while I spat out blood, "you are to blame- I spent all my life trying to keep Darrick safe, till you came a long! With your good looks my son did not care about me anymore! Then one day you broke up with him! He was devastated!" she finished kicking me hard in the side!

Pain ran threw me, my heart pounded furiously like a drum! BOOM BOOM! I looked at my sword in the corner I stretched my hand to get it, I yelled, "HE BROKE UP WITH ME!" I sliced her legs; getting up I stabbed her repeatedly then with Darrick!

Then I saw my people fighting I fell down trying to get back up; I wiped the blood of my mouth, while stabbing the zombies.

30 minutes later I was covered in blood. I killed over 20 zombies I looked back there was one big group of zombies.

I have an idea, then I told Jack my idea. So we separated while doing that others piled up in cars, I leaded the zombies to one direction while Jack the other I tried to lose the zombies in the woods I just hope Jack doesn't bring his zombies here.

While I was running away I tripped over while looking over at my foot the sharp, pointy medal was in my flesh tearing it open with blood leaking out.

I saw a white haired boy around the corner. I shouted, "Jack! Help!" I tried getting it out, Jack came over crouching down to my level.

"Woah! Uhh... Everything will be alright I promise." he informed taking off my boot I winced at the pain.

"Jack I'm scared!" I said crying he cupped my cheeks looking into my eyes I felt his cold breath on my cheek, "My sister said that and she was fine after." he got out his knife while my eyes opened wide like boulders, he then carefully dug the sharp thing out of my foot while I cried threw it.

My foot was cut, bleeding non-stop. I grabbed my sword, boot and, gun trying to walk but I collapsed on a zombie he almost bit my neck but, Jack carried me bridal style to the van only the thing was there was the nothing.

He was now running where the tire tracks were my ankle felt like it got stabbed over and over ugh. Blood was in trails till we found Anna's van Jack banged on the back door in the trailer was only our motorcycles, food and weapons Jack set me down in there looking at my foot I cried in pain he found a pillow with a blanket.

"Elsa I'm gonna get there attention so, maybe if Hiccup is in here he can do something about your ankle because I definitely am no help." he announced I disagreed, "Jack listen you saved me right now if I was there I would've been a happy meal for a zombie right now!" I caressed my foot then I touched the place on accident and I cried.

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