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Merida POV

I am in a house right now, yes. I am alive but, am not talking, because I am just starting to get over the fact we lost our jail. This house has wallpaper everywhere of cats! It's so annoying like a cat lady lived here, well she was here lying dead with her cats around her in the middle of the floor with blood weaved in the carpet it seems like there was so much blood.

I'll tell you how I escaped with Hiccup, Perry, and Eric.

The jail just blown up I fell down because of the vibration that made my teeth grind really loudly I now had a scrape on my cheek with other various cuts or bruises I started to see an outline of many zombies heading toward us so, I shot them till I saw a brunette from the evil side so, I shot it but, badly 'cause I missed completely.

"Ye wee lamb!" I whisper-yelled at myself I took out my bow then one arrow then shot a zombie in the back of the head 1 I counted how much people and zombies I killed 20 for zombies.

I was still down on the ground weakly I tried standing up but, I thought I twisted my ankle till Hiccup pulled me up I realized that now I could stand maybe my ankle was stiff or somethin'.

"Thanks Haddok!" I thanked he nodded quickly, shooting at a guy who turned into a zombie I grabbed another arrow then shot it at a zombie!

Our people get killed one by one I bit my lip then went back inside, "MERIDA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Hiccup asked-yelled looking back I pulled his sleeve then we were inside I got in my cell then took a bomb under my bed I smirked at it then I pulled his sleeve again outside.

I looked at Elsa she was now caught in a animal trap then I saw Jack save her. Good. I looked back at Anna who was running away in a van with Kristoff , Jerry, and Sophia but, then I saw Kit laying on the ground with a zombie hovering over her eating the heart it was so nasty and sad I shot it than I grabbed the arrow.

I thought about the bomb again I grabbed our people (well the rest of them ) by their wrists; dragged them over to the van and looked again the bomb once again.

"Mer! We'll wait just do it!" Hiccup yelled starting up the van. I nodded, then took out the bomb I ran far away from the van to their people.

"CRASH! BOOM!" the bomb blew and I ran as fast as I could to the van Perry pulled me in she is very strong well, she was a weight trainer. Hiccup was driving then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

In Cat Lady House

I woke up on a bed I immediately grabbed my weapons then I looked at myself in the mirror that was so dusty that I wiped my hand on it so I could actually see myself. I had a bandage on my cheek along with one on my left hand, then various bandages on my legs I furrowed my eyebrows. Where was I?

I walked out of the room which it lead to a hallway I breathed trying to find out at least something about this house well the smell made by eyes water I know that it smelled like... CATS!

I walked in a living room with wallpaper that had cats on it EVERYWHERE man! How can someone live in her till I saw a old lady with glasses on; jeans that were up so high it wasn't even cool; a t-shirt that was pink with blood and cats on it like not real cats! But there was a hole threw her like someone stabbed her. Along with a bullet in her forehead; her shoes had blood on the bottom they were light purple slippers; her hair has curlers with grey hair wrapped around them. Cats were just around her dead.

Someone came out of the hallway it was the others.

"Oh hey Mer uh... We were just going to-" Eric started but I interrupted rudely, "I kno' , I jus' don' 'ant wan' to ta'k abou' it." I bit my lip then they carried her to the door with Hiccup grabbing the cats one by one I am so sad right now I could just cry so now I'm sitting down not talking.


We got breakfast then ate quietly at the dinner table waiting for something exciting to happen. I ate my turkey sandwich while drinking water after I never thought I would have to eat so carefully trying not to waste it wow.

Anna POV

I am eating right now it's so yummy! Bacon, and applesauce my favorite meal in the zombie apocalypse! Let me tell you a little bit about the war we had well,

I was telling Elsa how everyone was out till I saw Hiccup help Merida up awww! I was thinking about Merricup then a man was choking me I was gagging then Kristoff stabbed the guy then carried me over to the van I looked over at Kit then she got bitt!

Kit has copper, wavy hair that is an inch more than her shoulder length hair also she has blue- grey eyes along with thin red lips. She's pretty tall about a head taller than me but, she's not the smartest like, when I asked her, "Do you have any guns Kit?"

He held up her skinny arms and replied, "Yup, ahh, I do lil' Anna!" she also bragged I folded my arms then walked away not arguing of ripping her hair out piece piece.

Anyway, we drove off to this restaurant called 'T and T!' I don't get the name but, I won't judge! Jerry and Sophia are twins that are 16 with gold hair and really drank green eyes that made you want to just cry they were so soft, but dark eyes. They also have very pale lips, Sophia has a thick, hot pink streak in her hair that was so cool.

Kristoff looked sadder than ever I mean, I know his girlfriend died and he should be sad but, we're here for him if on lye could just lighten up! He was at a single table eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a tear ready to go out. Awwww. Man.

"Kristoff I know your upset but, I'm here for you just let me in I know what your going threw it must be hard but, come on. Please talk to me." I said pulling out my bottom lip he looked up at me and gave me a big hug! He made circles on my back I smiled in his shoulder he's back!

"Anna," he started pulling out the hug, "thank you-"

"It's alright I know you've been threw a lo-" I interrupted moving my bangs out of the way he put his finger on my lips his skin was like velvet, it touched my heart.

"No, Anna, I should be the one to say sorry you were right- I am upset but, whenever I hear or touch, or see you- this light inside of me beams so bright that even I think I'm blind to see that your my true love!" he stated pulling me into a kiss I was surprised but, I kissed back letting my arms rest around his neck while his arms naked around my waist.

Then he started to french kiss me I mean it wasn't bad but, wow.

Till we heard a scream...

To be Continued...


Hi! I'm not dead I'm so sorry! Now, have you been having saving problems because, I just ugh! I have with my new story Camp Lagoon I keep on writing it (well, typing) and it just doesn't save so I hope this update helps otherwise I can't start the story! But, I will try no matter what! And this was a little gushy and romantic but, I love Kristanna so, sorry but, LOVE! Also I haven't been updating till tonight so be happy don't worry I also need some help on how to add pictures to my chapters! So, please comment and help down below somewhere.

I have a Pinterest account! My name on there is Carmen Anderson!


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