A Rescue

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The next few weeks were interesting. Word that Juliette DuBois, or as she was now called Juliette Giry, had been adopted by the ballet mistress spread like wild fire. Reactions varied from joy for the young girl (Darby, Jaime, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann), to annoyance (Carlotta and her entourage), to blatant anger or jealousy (Marietta and some other dancers). But none of the rumors or mean comments sent her way could bother Juliette. As she told Meg,

"It isn't their business; give it a bit and they'll find something petty to focus on instead."

After a while things did die down. Most people had accepted the idea of Madame Giry adopting Juliette and moved on with their lives. Although of course there were the few who did not let the fact drop namely Marietta who took every chance she could to insult Juliette.

"You know she only did it because she pities you" and "Teacher's pet", were some of her top choices.

"Trust me you're doing the right thing ignoring the little brat. Honestly, she needs to get a life," Elizabeth told Juliette.

"True, but in the meantime she is annoying us all to no end," Mary Ann said at breakfast.

"Aye, looks like you made yourself an enemy there lass," Darby said to Juliette.

"Not my fault she got her skirts in a twist. I'm just sorry you have to listen to her jabbering," replied Juliette.

"We don't blame you. And you've got us all on your side," said Jaime and with that the discussion ended.


After a long day of practice one would think that a dancer would fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. But tonight, that was not the case with Juliette Giry. Eventually she gave up on sleep and decided to get herself a glass of water. Perhaps that might help.

Slowly she slid out of bed and put on her slippers and dressing gown. Then, extremely quietly, she snuck out of bed. Juliette walked down the hallway a candle lighting the way. Eventually she reached the kitchen, got herself a glass of water, and after finishing it placed the cup in the sink.

Juliette then began to make her way back. However, it was not long before she sensed that someone was following her. She quickened her pace but found her arm caught by the hand of someone much older and stronger than her. She turned and came face to face with Joseph Buquet.

"Well hello little miss. Ain't you out a bit late?" he said. His breath reeked of liquor and Juliette knew she had to get out of there.

"Yes, it is late. So I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to release me." Juliette said in a stern voice trying to hide her fear which was mounting. She needed to get out of there.

"Aww. Why not stay a bit," his voice was both menacing and disgusting. He opened his mouth to say something else when he gave a yelp of pain. Juliette had taken the candle holder and struck Buquet in the head with it. He let go and she ran.

With no light Juliette was not sure where she was going but she kept running. She could hear Buquet cursing behind her. Suddenly, she came to what seemed like a dead end. There was a door but when she tried it was locked. Juliette turned, opening her mouth to scream when the door opened and she was pulled inside and a hand was clapped over her mouth before the door closed again.

She could hear Buquet searching but after several minutes he gave up. Once he left Juliette turned to look up at the face of her savior and saw the last thing she expected. Looking down at her was a face covered on the right side by a pure white porcelain mask.

"Are you harmed?" the figure asked. He had the most beautiful and smooth voice that Juliette had ever heard and she immediately knew her savior's identity.

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