A Unique Friendship

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Erik was at his piano composing. He hadn't been having much trouble lately, the brief bought of writers block he had been suffering from had disappeared. He had a suspicion that this was partially due to the presence of a certain dancer and of course his Angel of Music.

The moment he had heard that gorgeous voice he knew he needed to help the girl. She seemed so shy and in need of a friend that he had barely hesitated to say he was her angel of music. So, for the past two years he had been teaching. The combination of Juliette's constant visits and his angel's voice were certainly inspirational.

Erik came out of his reverie as he heard light footsteps on the stairs.


The soft footsteps finally stopped and Juliette came into view. She was dressed in a simple long blue dress and had her hair tied back into two braided buns at the nape of her neck. She smiled at Erik. It was a kind innocent smile. A smile that he hoped would remain for a long time.

"Hello Erik, doing more composing?" she walked across what was essentially a stone path that stretched across the small distance from the tunnel to the where he sat. This was one reason why he had encouraged her to take that specific path. Having to row back and forth across the lake would be a bit inconvenient for both parties.

"Yes. And why may I ask have you come down?" he asked casually as he turned his eyes back to his music. She walked forward and then sat down in a chair.

"Honestly I was a bit tired of all the noise going on. Meg is out with her friends and Carlotta is throwing another one of her tantrums." She rolled her eyes. "Apparently the first scene isn't even blocked yet because they had to keep pausing."

"Yes, well that woman cannot even carry a tune half the time let alone act. Were we not unable to afford a better soprano I assure you she would be gone." Erik told her. She laughed.

"And how are lessons with Christine coming along?" she asked conversationally. Juliette was one of the few people who knew that he was tutoring Christine and who was also able to keep an eye out for his angel.

"Quite well, she is progressing fast. Someday she will be able to replace Carlotta." Erik replied.

"Hmm." Was the only reply he got. Juliette got up from where she had been sitting and came up to stand behind him. Tilting her head, she looked at the music. The title was written in Italian. He chuckled at her slight confusion.

"It is called Reginella" he told her "It translates to Regina, meaning queen. I haven't gotten any words to go with it yet. I take it you haven't taken Italian." She gave a small laugh.

"Erik, I am fourteen, from America, and live in a French opera house 90% of the time. When would I have ever had time to learn Italian? Unless you count the angry expressions that come out of Carlotta's mouth." She said half-jokingly.

"Hmm. Perhaps you might know this one," Erik pulled a score by Ludwig Von Beethoven out from behind a few papers.

"Fur Elise I remember my music teacher at school trying to teach it to the children. It was one of my grandfather's favorites. He was French although I didn't realize it till I was four. He had no accent." Her eyes looked slightly dreamy as she seemed to reminisce about her grandfather. He had rarely heard her speak of her family from before the Giry's adopted her.

"Do you remember at all how to play it?" Erik asked her moving over so that she could take a seat on the bench.

"I think so. Most likely not very well but it is the only piano piece I ever learned." She sat down and gently placed her hands upon the keys. And then somewhat cautiously she began to play. As the song carried on, she became more confident while still maintaining the soft tune. Granted it wasn't fantastic but it was still relatively good. One could at least distinguish the tune. She finished and looked at me.

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