Nightmares and New Feelings

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January, February, March, April, and May had all come and gone without much change in the opera house. Tensions within the company were the same as usual, changing from day to day. Meg was overjoyed that she could at last join the corp de ballet.

Juliette's visits to Erik were no different than usual. She would normally just sit and listen to him play his music. Occasionally he would stop playing and they would talk, often over a cup of Russian tea, about his travels, which Juliette found fascinating. Likewise, Juliette would sometimes tell Erik about the inventions of her time such as cars and telephones. Being an inventor himself, Erik found this all very interesting.

It was a tough day at practice. Two girls had nearly collided during the previous night's show, which meant that Madame Giry was being especially strict. Even Juliette and Meg, who normally had plenty of energy, were getting tired out. When they were at last dismissed Juliette was the last to leave.

Just as she moved to get off the stage, Juliette knocked over a pile of props. She let out a gasp as a piece fell on her. Luckily it wasn't very heavy. Footsteps could be heard and Jaime entered the stage. Seeing Juliette, he hurried over.

"Jewels, what happened?" he asked as he helped her out from under the prop.

"Two words. I. tripped. And when did I suddenly become "Jewels"?" replied Juliette. Jaime's cheeks reddened slightly.

"Oh, uh, sorry, that just kind of came out," he said awkwardly. Juliette also blushed a bit as their hands brushed when they reached to pick up the same prop.

"It's ok, I kind of like it. But only you can use that name, clear?" she said. Jaime looked happy. Saluting her he said.

"Clear as crystal. You can go along, I'll finish cleaning this up."

"Thank you so much Jaime," said Juliette as she left the stage.


Juliette still had a smile on her face as she walked through the corridors. This had been a common occurrence lately whenever she encountered Jamie. Juliette always got a fluttery feeling inside. As it was a Wednesday, Juliette headed to the roof where she found Meg at their usual meeting spot.

"What kept you? I was beginning to think you wouldn't turn up," Meg asked.

"Oh, I was just talking with Jaime," replied Juliette, trying to brush of the comment as if it were nothing.

"Oooooooh. So, has he finally asked you out?" Meg said with a grin. Juliette gasped.

"Meg, don't be ridiculous. I mean he may be kind and funny but how on earth do you know he likes me?"

"Come on. It is so obvious. According to the other stage hands you are all he thinks about. It is clear he likes you. And whenever he is around you tend to knock something over or start blushing," insisted Meg.

"Oh hush, you are so incorrigible," sighed Juliette, although she was still smiling.

"Again, I'm your sister. I am aloud to be incorrigible," said Meg.

"Is there anyone in particular that you like?" asked Juliette casually. "I noticed you have been eyeing that new dancer Avere" now it was Meg's turn to gasp.

"Mon Dieu Julie! What on earth makes you think that I like him?"

"Oh, just the way that you continue to vehemently deny that you do like him," shrugged Juliette with a mischievous look in her eye.

"Well, he is pretty cute. And he was complimenting me the other day. He seems pretty perfect," Meg told Juliette.

"Well, if you like him then I hope he is worthy of you. And if he isn't I will kick his sorry arse and make him wish it was the Phantom attacking him," said Juliette causing Meg to giggle.

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