Murder Plans and Mourning

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Sorry for any formating issues on some of the songs, the writing in Wattpad can be a bit weird.)

The day after the masquerade was chaotic to say the least. People were in a panic and nobody knew what exactly was going on. Because of this it was not surprising that there was a loud conversion going on in the manager's office that had begun almost as soon as Juliette handed over the script. 

 The girl in question was now standing in a corner listening to the argument, She had been quite pleased when Christine finally got a backbone and argued with Carlotta. Suddenly Juliette's mother and sister entered with another note. After a collective groan Madame Giry began to read out the letter.

Fondest greetings to you all!
A few instructions just before rehearsal starts:

Carlotta must be taught to act
Not her normal trick of strutting 'round the stage
Our Don Jan Must lose some weight- It's not healthy in a man of Piangi's age
And my managers must learn
That their place is in an office, not the arts

As for Miss Christine Daaé
No doubt she'll do her best—
It's true her voice is good
She knows, though, should she wish to excel
She has much still to learn
If pride will let her return to me, her teacher
Her teacher...

Your obedient friend

"and Angel"

Madame Giry finished and Juliette did her best to stop herself from laughing at Erik's subtle jabs. Then, the Viscount spoke up,

We have all been blind—
And yet the answer is staring us in the face
This could be the chance to ensnare our clever friend

We're listening

Go on

Said Firmin. Raoul elaborated.

We shall play his game
Perform his work, but remember we hold the ace
For, if Miss Daaé sings, he is certain to attend

We make certain the doors are barred
We make certain our men are there
they're armed

The curtain falls, his reign will end! The managers and Raoul all sang this and Juliette's eyes widened in shock and fear. She had briefly forgotten this part.

Madness! Cried Madame Giry in warning.

I'm not so sure

Not if it works Argued the managers

This is madness! Repeated Madame Giry,

The tide will turn!

Monsieur, believe me—
There is no way of turning the tide! Madame Giry tried to convince them.

You stick to ballet!
Snapped back Andre

Then help us! Raoul begged but Juliette's mother while upset refused.
Monsieur, I can't

Instead of warning us
Help us!

I wish I could

Don't make excuses!
Or could it be that you're on his side?

Meg and Juliette shot each other worried looks behind the manager's back. If Madame Giry got in trouble on suspicion of being connected to the Phantom then things would really go up in smoke. Juliette made a dash toward the door. 

She had to warn Erik as she left she heard Christine break down. Juliette ran to the Prima Donna room and opened the mirror. Once she re-latched it she ran down the hallway. As she neared the lair Juliette tripped and fell to the ground skimming her hands. She swore. 

 "Language," a voice chided. "You don't want your mother hearing you speak that way." Erik was stepping out of a spare room as Juliette made her way over still panting. "Good lord, what's wrong," asked Erik catching sight of her panic.


 "Slow down. Here come over to the couch and I will fix your hands." She did as told and sat down to catcher her breath. Erik returned with some rubbing alcohol and gauze.

 "Now what seems to be the problem?" he asked gently taking one of her small hands in his and dabbing the alcohol on. Juliette hissed at the sting but then spoke.

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