An Argument

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Juliette was not herself. Erik had now known her for quite a long time and she was most certainly behaving oddly. For one thing her manner was colder and her smile was not as bright as before. That is when she did smile at him.

One day Erik decided he would get to the bottom of this issue. Juliette was sitting on the couch reading, still maintaining that frosty aura. At last Erik asked,

"Juliette, is something wrong? You have been acting very strangely lately." Juliette set down the book forcefully.

"Noticed finally, have you? Took you long enough."

"If there is something that you wish to say, feel free," said Erik, still somewhat perplexed.

"Oh it is nothing you would really care about," she said picking up her book and turning away sharply. Confused Erik turned back to his music casually asking.

"By the way, I have not had time to check up on Christine. How is she?" at this Juliette practically blew up. Throwing down her book she glared at him.

"Christine, Christine, Christine! That is all you ever care about now. What do you think I am. Someone you can just use to spy on Christine? Because that is all you use me for! I'm more like a tool than your friend. Not once in the past month have you asked me how my day was or inquired what was going on with me. I am lucky if you even bother to say hello! You devote all your thoughts to her. It is like I am barely here! Who is the one you has never shied from you? Who even after seeing your face, never left? ME! Christine doesn't even know you as anything other than a voice and yet she is all you care about!" Juliette moved sharply toward the exit before turning face him.

"Clearly there is only room for one in your heart and you have obviously made your choice. I suppose there is no need for me to visit anymore. Don't expect me back." With that she turned on her heel and left, leaving a very stunned Phantom.


Juliette had been growing frustrated due to the fact that over time Erik had begun to become more and more infatuated with Christine. Oh, it was alright at first. He had her help look out for Christine but Erik still maintained his interactions with Juliette.

However, as time went on he began to turn more away from her, completely obsessing over Christine and mostly ignoring Juliette. Thus, it was not much of a surprise when after Erik asked about Christine for what seemed like the thousandth time, and Juliette lost her temper.

All of the anger she had been bottling up for the past few months came spilling out.

"Christine doesn't even know you as anything other than a voice and yet she is all you care about!" she cried in fury. She strode over to the exit, turned, and with one last biting comment left the lair.


It hadn't been long after her parting with Erik that Juliette's mood began to drop. Sure, she tried to smile and keep her usual cheery mood but she was not succeeding. There was no true joy in her movements as she danced. Anyone who knew her could tell something was wrong.

This was what lead Meg to confront Juliette when the Giry's returned to their house a week or so later. Meg entered the room and found a rather sullen Juliette sitting on one of the beds. Sitting down next to her Meg said,

"Julie, what on earth is going on? Everyone is worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately." Juliette looked up.

"It's nothing Meg. Really, I'm fine." Meg shook her head.

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