Chapter 4

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-Ashton's POV

Today is the day of our concert. I know Katie is going to be there because she told me. I've gotten to know her better, she's the most amazing person. My ideal girlfriend honestly. Today I'm going to ask her on a date, if I don't get so nervous. I told Michael all of this but he wasn't paying attention because he was texting Amber. This dude seems in love with her. I'm proud of him though. I didn't tell Luke because he didn't talk to me since I started talking to Katie. I told Calum but he didn't seem much help. I'm really nervous. I don't even know how to ask her.

"Ashton, what's are you doing mate?" Michael asks.

"Just thinking."


"How I'm going to ask Katie on a date." I said so unsure if I even am because of how nervous she puts me.

"I think you should buy her some flowers & do it backstage so the fans won't know yet. Oh & get her chocolates, Amber told me she liked chocolate."

"Thanks Michael, but I'm so nervous I think I'm going to chicken out." I sound like a girl with boy problems, except girls don't exactly ask guys out.

"Dude you're Ashton, don't chicken out. She obviously likes you & she'll obviously say yes. Just do it the romantic Ashton way." Michael said happily.

That helped me a lot.

"Michael you're the best." I playfully punched his arm & he laughed.

"Now if you excuse me I got to go get ready for the sound check." Michael walked out & I see Luke just standing there.

Has he been hearing our conversation?

I stood up & walked away. While I was walking Luke stopped me.

"Wait, Ashton." He said.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I'm sorry for being such a dick.."

"It's okay. If you like the girl just tell me."

I hope he doesn't like her. I have strong feelings & I don't want Luke to intertwine with our relationship in the future. He has an unreadable expression. I try studying him but I have no results on what he is feeling nor thinking.

"I don't like her Ashton. It's just you barely even noticed her & now you're like, 'oh I like her, I'm going to ask her on a date' doesn't that seem kind of.... um, fast?"

"Fast as in what Luke?" I started becoming furious, is he seriously telling me this?

"Fast as in, you're taking the relationship steps too fast. You've barely known her for 4 days & you're already assuming you like her. Ashton are you serious about this?"

"I'm serious about this Luke. Haven't you heard of love at first sight? Love is unpredictable Luke, like you ever experienced love." I immediately shut my mouth & look at Luke closely. He looks hurt. Shit I messed up. I just stood there waiting for him to say something but he didn't. He just walked out the door.

-Luke's POV

Out of everything that Ashton could've said he told me I've never experienced love before. He seriously just messed up big time. He knows I've had a rough past & to say that just ruins my day. I'm to the point where I want to punch the wall & walk through it but I controlled myself. As I walked out the room where I was talking to Ashton I heard Calum walk towards me.

"What's wrong Luke?" Calum came in naked.

"Ashton just messed up big time Cal." I ignored is nudeness right in front of me because I'm so used to him walking around like that.

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