Chapter 7

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Michael's POV-

I had my back faced to Amber acting like if I were mad at her for laughing at me. What that raccoon really scared the pop tarts out of me.

"Okay then I'm going to sleep." I heard Amber say. She turned off the flashlights and heard her ruffling around getting in the sleeping bag. Once I felt like she was in a deep sleep because I heard slight little snores escape her lips I move right next to her and slid myself in the sleeping bag. I wrapped my arms around her waist slowly so she doesn't wake up. She twitched because of my arm touching her but kept sleeping.

I laid next to her and whispered, "Good Night Amber."

I slowly fell asleep comfortably with her in my arms.


Ashton's POV-

She said yes. She said fucking yes!

I know this makes me sound gay but I'm currently doing a little happy dance in my head. I was in the tour bus with the other guys. Except Michael is missing and none of us know where he is.

"Ashton do you know where Michael might be at?" Calum asked.

I thought for a while and remembering Katie looking for Amber. Michael probably took Amber somewhere.

"He's probably with Amber." I stated.

"Do they have a thing or...?" Luke asked curiously.

"I honestly don't know." I said adding a shrug with my shoulders.

"If they do I will slap Michael for cheating on me." Calum stated. I chuckled.

"Dude! So about you asking Katie out on a date, did you?" Luke asked.

"Wait what?" Calum asked.

"I planned on asking Katie on a date and she said yes." I said smiling like an idiot.

"Really? Where are you going to take her?" Luke said in a little harsh tone which I ignored.

"I'm probably taking her to a country side and we can have a picnic by a lake." I imagined just me and her at the country side just us talking and laughing. That sounds like a perfect date for the both of us.

"That's soooooo romantic." Calum spoke sarcastically.

"Oh I know it is." I winked.

"Calum could've done better." Luke said with a smirk.

"You're just jealous, you're mad I didn't ask you on a date Luke." I added a wink to my statement.

"You're right Ash, you're right." Luke said. With that we decided to go to sleep since it was late at night. I followed a few fans and went to sleep.

Katie's POV-

I got off the phone a few minutes ago. Now I know where Amber is, he's with Mr. Clifford. I have a feeling that they have a thing going on.

I brushed off the thought of them together because I'm currently being eaten away by my nervousness of this date I have with Irwin. I can't believe I'm going on a date with a member of my favorite band who is also the one I fell in love with. This is nerve racking and unbelievable.

"What am I going to wear?" I asked myself mumbling.

I decided to dig through my closet. After a while of looking through piles of clothing that I don't really wear I found something decent that I've never worn before, I felt like it was the perfect thing to wear.

It was a simple patterned ocean blue and white long sundress. Ashton did mention to wear something comfortable and simple. I found this quite fitting to his words. I took the dress and set it on my bed with white sandals that I'm going to wear.

I checked the time to see it is 1 A.M so I decided to go to sleep, I need my beauty rest for my date.

-Authors note-

I'm so incredibly sorry for my slowness and insecurity of this story. I actually thought about deleting it and all but I decided to keep it so when I'm bored I can write. This is the shortest chapter ever and like I said I'm sorry.

Nobody reads authors notes most of the time but please take the time to like and comment judgments on the book.

I love you all.

twitter: bmth_sam

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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