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       "Put that shit down," I shook my head at Tyler, drumming my fingernails on the wooden table between us.

        He rolled his eyes at me, taking another drag from the cigarette in his hand.  Tyler knew I hated it when he smoked, but was too hooked to stop.  Second-hand smoking was what had gotten him into it; his parents' fault, and probably Markus's as well.  They split a half-pack per day between the two of them, stinking up the whole house.  It gave me a headache, and I smelled like smoke wherever I went.

        "Ty, really," I said, resting my chin in my hand.  "You're going to give me a migraine, and you're going to be the one to deal with my attitude."

        He puffed out a cloud of smoke and I wrinkled my nose.  "I always have to deal with your attitude, babe."

        I jutted out my lower lip and crossed my arms over my chest.  Slowly, I rose from my seat and walked over to Tyler, my feet padding on the wood flooring.  His eyes followed me as I pushed his chair out from the table and straddled his lap.  I took the cigarette from his hand and reached behind me to put it out in the ash tray on the table, then wrapped my arms around his neck.

        "You love my attitude, though," I teased, my mouth drawing up in the corners.

        "I do," Tyler replied, leaning his forehead against mine.  "Almost as much as I love you."

        I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent of cologne that made it past all of the smoke.  I didn't say I loved him back, but I didn't have to.  Tyler's arms wrapped around my waist and hugged me closer.  I felt his face move closer, ducking to kiss me, but I pulled back.

        "Ah-ah," I mumbled, staring into his vibrant blue eyes.  "What have I always told you?"

        "Screw your rules," Tyler breathed, forcing his lips onto mine and pulling me even tighter to his chest.  I kissed him for a second, but didn't let him deepen it.  Pulling back, I made a face.

        "Ty, I can't stand cigarette smoke, let alone cigarette mouth."  I made a show of wiping my lips, then brushed my hand into his dark hair.  "Brush your teeth or chew some really strong gum."

        "I don't have time for things like that," he argued, tickling my sides.  I batted his hands away quickly, giggling a bit.  "I only have time for my girl."

        I smiled, leaning in to give him a small kiss.  Smiling, I pulled back.  "Maybe we can bend the rules a bit."

        A door banged open in the kitchen, the one that lead to the garage.  I peered over Tyler's shoulder and the counter behind him to see Peter walking in, a bag slung on his shoulder.  He wore a cap on his head, his sandy hair pushed back into it.

        "Hey Runt," I said with a smile, turing in Tyler's lap so both of my legs were on his right side.  "You're out a little late."

        Peter gave me a wry smile, the one he always dealt when someone called him the nickname he'd earned when we took him in.  "Nice to see you too, Little L."

        He made his way into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the counter.  My eye caught a formula bottle in the pouch on the side, and I smiled.  "Is BB here?"

        "Yes she is!" a high voice came from behind Peter.

        My grin deepened.  "Chloe!"  I climbed off of Tyler's lap and hurried into the kitchen, giving Peter's girlfriend a tight hug before bending down to greet Bella in her carrier.  "And how are you, Miss BB?"  The baby giggled, green eyes shining.  She looked just like Chloe, and her blond curls grew just as fast.

        "Could you take her for a minute?" Chloe asked.

        I could tell she was flustered, and nodded before reaching down for the carrier.  I turned and lifted it onto the counter, making faces at Bella as I unbuckled her harness.  Pulling her out, I placed her against my hip and walked into the dining room, where Tyler was still sat.  I saw him reach for another cigarette, but swooped in to bat his hand.

        "Tyler Zachary Mendall!" I admonished, scowling at him.  "There is a child in the room who doesn't need to be swimming through smoke."  Tyler sighed, giving me a look.  I stared him down right back, narrowing my eyes before turning back to Bella.  "How is my BB?"

        I'd always called her Baby Bella, but once it caught on with the boys, we shortened it to just BB.  She was Peter and Chloe's daughter, the most beautiful little girl I'd ever seen.  Peter had gotten kicked out of his house for getting his girlfriend pregnant at sixteen, but judging by the way the couple acted, neither of them cared what had happened anymore, as long as they were together.  Bella had turned a year old three months ago, and was as spoiled as two seventeen-year-olds could make her.

        Bella kicked her feet, smiling and tugging on my hair.  I kissed her forehead, my grin almost wider than my face.  I could've sworn I loved Bella as much as Chloe and Peter did.  She was literally a bundle of joy.

        "BB almost makes me want a little girl," I said, my words pointed jokingly at Tyler.  Chloe snorted from the kitchen.  I turned back to Tyler, his jaw slack and staring at me incredulously.  "Kidding, babe."

        "Dammit!" I heard Chloe yell as something clattered to the floor.  It sounded like plastic, probably BB's formula bottle.  Although Bella was old enough to go without, Chloe insisted she still needed it.

        "Shh!" I said quickly, covering Bella's ear with my free hand.  "There are little ears in the room."

        Chloe just huffed and grabbed a roll of paper towels that Peter handed to her.  He rubbed her back as she bent down to wipe something up.  My attention drifted back to Tyler, my body spinning to ask when my brother would get back.  I found him with another cigarette in his mouth, lighter poised to start it.  The guilty look on his face told me that he knew I'd get frustrated.

        "Outside," I told him, pointing toward the door leading to the garage.  "Now."   He sighed and stood, stealing a kiss from me on the way.  I then pointed my question at Peter.  "Do you think Markus and my brother will be back soon?"

        "Probably," Peter nodded at me, leaning back against the counter.  "It's already nine, and they said the run wouldn't take too long."

        I nodded, readjusting BB on my hip.  It seemed like those two were always out on runs, now.  Honestly, I was surprised that Markus was giving us so much free reign on the house.  After the last time Emmett had a friend over, we all thought the house was set to go under martial law.  My brother had been furious that the house had been turned upside down, but Markus was more forgiving.

    “Speaking of being out late,” Peter’s head lifted, scanning the room.  “Where’s Emmett?  He owes me gas money.”

    I rolled my eyes.  “Who knows?  Probably out drinking and going at it with another girl.”

Empty Bargains ~Jason McCann~Where stories live. Discover now