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Jason’s lips immediately responded to mine, molding to my mouth and flushing the intense feeling I got whenever we kissed through my body.  My wrists twisted out of his hands and I tugged roughly at the hair gracing the nape of his neck.  Jason’s touch wandered to my waist, pushing up my sweatshirt to reveal my sides.  The pads of his fingers pressed into my skin as we shared the kiss.

I leaned further into him, causing our bodies to fall back against his mattress and my legs to straddle his waist.  Deepening our kiss, I bit down lightly on his lower lip.  He responded by slipping his tongue against mine and pulling me downward to flush my chest against his.  My left hand trailed down his clothed torso to tease the hem of his shirt, then drew it up and pressed my palm against his tensing abdominal muscles.

I was overwhelmed by whatever feeling Jason gave me.  Briefly, my mind flashed to explosions creating a buzz throughout my entire body.  I could think of nothing but where Jason and I were touching — my right hand running through his hair, two weeks past due for a trim; my left compressed against stomach and mashed between our bodies; the insides of my thighs squeezing against his sides.  Our lips, most of all, moving in almost flawless patterns against one another.

Jason’s hands moved further up my body, bare underneath with the exception of a sports bra.  His fingers slipped underneath the stretching material, splaying his palms to the soft skin of my back.  As I tugged his shirt up toward his pecks, Jason’s lips left a trail across my jaw and came to reside at the base of my neck, sucking softly.  It took all I had within me to suppress the moans he was enticing from my throat.  He couldn’t know he had that much power over me already.

But just as I thought this, he moved from underneath me and pinned me on my back, causing me to let a gasp escape from my mouth.  Jason continued to press slow, elaborate kisses to my neck, moving to just below my jaw and sucking harshly.  I felt the blood under my skin flush to the surface, unable to hide a low moan that slid from my lips.  Jason’s small smirk was evident against the heated area as he raised his head for only a second before pressing his mouth against mine again.

Jason’s shirt had somehow managed to slip off in the next few seconds, and I could feel in the movements of his hands that mine was sure to follow.  The thought suddenly made me nervous, my already speeding heart beating faster.  I was being rash with Jason, but not that rash.  Sex was still a significant move, whether I was ready or not.

I began to slow the movements of my lips against Jason’s, and he — though I could tell reluctantly — did the same.  His hands still lingered under my sweatshirt, which had become impossibly smothering in a short amount of time.  The feel of his bare chest against my exposed stomach did nothing to help suppress the buzzing in my body, nor did I wish it to stop.

The movements of our mouths became less urgent and more savoring, hot breath brushing over my cheeks.  I could feel where Jason had drawn blood to the surface of my skin pulsing subtly, and heat flushed to my cheeks and stirred in my abdomen.  It would still be there when I woke up tomorrow, and most likely throughout the day.  As our lips continued to brush I wondered what jeers I’d get from the rest of Jason’s group in the morning, and I wondered how the hell I ended up like this.

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