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    “You’re looking awfully confident for someone who just saw the person they were supposed to be holding hostage with a knife to your guy’s throat,” I growled, pressing the blade against Leo’s windpipe.  I didn’t want to kill him, but I’d never admit that to Jason.

    “You’re looking awfully confident for a hostage that’s outnumbered by five.  How long do you bet you’ll last, Little L?  You’re pretty feisty.  I’ll put three grand on two minutes.”

    “Fuck you,” I spat, keeping my hold on Leo.

    “Honestly, Little L, you don’t think we’d be prepared for someone twice your size to try to get a jump on us?  You’re the least of our worries right now.”

    Jason jutted out his chin, satisfied with letting me know just how screwed I was.  I ground my teeth.

    “I seriously doubt that,” I retorted.

    In one swift motion I kicked out Leo’s leg and landed my elbow to his temple on the way down.  He was out like a light, still breathing normally as he sprawled onto the ground.  As I moved away from him, the light fell onto his face.  I then recognized him as the guy we’d taken out when we raided Jason.  A laugh almost escaped me—this kid was too soft.  I let out a long breath, then focused my glare back to Jason.

    “Don’t call me Little L.”

    He laughed, holding up his hands.  “Fine.  Phoebe, then.  Welcome to the McCann abode.”

    I flipped him off and began to walk up the stairs.  Jason didn’t scare me in the least anymore, not after how easily I’d gotten out of my bonds and taken out one of his guys.  But I still had to stay on guard, just like Sam had told me.

    Jason held out his hand for me to take it, but I brushed right past him and strutted out into the hallway.  It smelled like cigarettes and stale bread, and the lighting was low.  The walls, bare and painted a dark brown, blended with the dark gray tiled floor.  The hall spread out to either side of me, and I flashed my gaze back and forth while Jason studied me.  I didn’t know my way around, but I’d find out soon enough.

    I led myself to the left, ignoring Jason and finding a door with a coded lock that I knew lead to a six-car garage.  I’d seen it from the outside, and it was on the left side of the house and below a majority of the upper levels.  They—being his group—all drove nice and new vehicles, a show of how much money they made from dealing.

    That was the end of the hallway, and I turned to go back the other way.  Jason was watching me casually, though closely.  I shot him a look, avoiding his body on my way past.

    “You’re just going to leave him?” I asked as I turned my head, looking in doors along the wall.  A bathroom, a laundry room, a closet (I’d opened the door to see, and was met by coats and shoes of varying sizes), and a locked door.  I eyed the door carefully before moving on, curious about the contents.

    “He’ll wake up in a little bit,” Jason answered.  I heard his feet begin to follow me.  “He’s fine.”

    The hallway ended in front of me with a heavy door, the handle bearing another coded lock.  A security system panel was embedded in the wall to the side of it, showing red letters across the screen that said ARMED.  They had to keep codes around somewhere.  I’d find them eventually.

    To the left was a staircase leading to the main level of the house.  I walked up, trying to get a view of what was at the top.  A kitchen, I realized as I stepped onto the tiled floor.  Cabinets were on one wall, a fridge and oven separated between them.  A microwave rested on the counter and a dishwasher was built into a rectangular island in the middle of the room.  A dining table sat about ten feet from the island, and one of Jason’s guys was sitting at it.  Xander, I realized, judging by his voice.  It had sounded like he’d been closer—I’d have to keep in mind that sound traveled in this house.

Empty Bargains ~Jason McCann~Where stories live. Discover now