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can you comment if you guys prefer longer chapters? I'll go with the normal length of my chapters 'til I know :)

Along the way, we bumped into Aku.


He was running like 150 miles per second, well not really but he was really fast considering that he was BIG.

A teacher marched to us covered in blue goo and a few insects popping here and there. When I saw who it was, I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

It was Mr. Alex Lawson, Emily's dad. The most respected/ feared/ hated teacher in the school. His face was so red, I almost thought he was a girl caked with make-up.

Long story short, Aku received 2 weeks of detention as punishment. We spent part of our free period outside the principal's office waiting for Aku to come out.

Aku had a huge grin on his face when he came out of the office. Luke stood up and marched to Aku. What I didn't expect for him to do is punch Aku in the gut. His fist connected with Aku's gut in a millisecond.

Aku looked at Luke with pain clear on his eyes. I rushed to his side and asked if he needed help but Luke grabbed my arm and shoved me away from Aku. Once I was out of the way, Luke started yelling at Aku.

"Dude, I can't believe you pulled a 23 on Mr. Lawson! My girlfriend's dad! What the hell were you thinking?" Luke was so furious.

He stormed away, leaving me and Aku in front of the principal's office. Luke turned the corner and I stood still on my spot for 3 seconds until I remembered that Luke punched Aku.

I opened my mouth to ask Aku if he needed me to take him to the clinic but he stood up and ran in the direction where Luke stormed off. I followed Aku and we were suddenly in the front gate.

I saw the rear of Luke's car just before he turned the corner. I frowned and remembered that Luke and I came to school together.

"Well, there goes my ride home." I said.

"I'll drive you home if you'd like?" Aku suggested.

I just nodded watching where Luke turned the corner.

Why did he get mad just because of Aku's prank? Is Emily really that important to him?

I snapped back to reality when I felt myself being shook out of my body and the sound of Aku's voice yelling my name.

"What??" I held on to the person in front of me and when my world stopped being shook, I saw that Aku was in front of me. I removed his hands on my shoulders and sat down on the ground.

"You were standing there for like 3 minutes, still looking at where Luke turned the corner. Are you okay?" His worried voice called out to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, plainly. I looked at Aku with a fake smile on my face. He gave me a look that said I know that your smile is fake. He sighed and sat down to hug me.

This is totally normal for us because we hug all the time, and no we're not in a relationship. We're just friends. I know that he's not attracted to me because he's gay. I'm the only one who knows, nobody in our squad or school knows except for me. I'm the only one who knows his secret because we're really close. We didn't even know how to walk when we became friends.

"I swear that I feel like there's something between you two." We jumped at the sound of Gab's voice.

We looked at her and she just grinned at us. I heard Aku sigh beside me then I felt him stand up, pulling me up in the process.

"Text me when all your classes are done. I'll pick you up at your room." He said, walking away

"Sure. Thanks Aku!" I yelled.

I grabbed Gab's arm and pulled her to our next class which is Math.

My favorite subject.


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